Hamilton, Bernard (). „The Elephant of Christ: Reynald of Châtillon”. Studies in Church History. 15 (15): 97–108. doi:10.1017/S0424208400008950.
Kasher, Iturea (). „Alexander Yannai's Wars with the Nabataeans / מלחמות אלכסנדר ינאי בנבטים”. Zion / ציון (în Hebrew). 50: 107–120. ISSN0044-4758. JSTOR23559931;Mentenanță CS1: Limbă nerecunoscută (link) English abstract: Format:Jstor, p. XI.
Kasher, Iturea (). „Alexander Yannai's Wars with the Nabataeans / מלחמות אלכסנדר ינאי בנבטים”. Zion / ציון (în Hebrew). 50: 107–120. ISSN0044-4758. JSTOR23559931;Mentenanță CS1: Limbă nerecunoscută (link) English abstract: Format:Jstor, p. XI.