Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Duminica Însângerată din Marburg" in Romanian language version.
Marburger Blutsonntag[nefuncțională]
(Maisterovo nenadano i potpuno samoinicijativno proglašenje Maribora dijelom Jugolavije 1. XI i preuzimanje vojne komande nad gradom i čitavom Donjom Štajerskom
In the south, Slovene nationalist militia units....occupied three major centers of South Styrian German nationalists politics... Major Rudolf Maister, a Slovene nationalist and Austrian commander of the militia in Marburg/Maribor, had taken control of all military forces... In late November his units moved northward to occupy the north bank of the Mur/Mura River, including towns of Radkersburg/Radgona and Spielfeld/Spilje
Sie bestand aus Oberstleutnant Sherman Miles, Leutnant Le Roy King und den Professoren Robert Kerner und Lawrence Martin.
Eine Salve nach der anderen feuerten die Soldaten in die nichtsahnende, wehr- und waffenlose Volksmenge, .... 13 Tote und etwa 60 Verwundete...
Er war der Sohn einer ethnisch gemischten Familie in der Steiermark, wurde von seiner slowenischen Mutter zu einem glühenden Nationalisten erzogen und ging als „Schlächter von Marburg“
„Schlächter von Marburg“Parametru necunoscut
ignorat (ajutor)Spomenik generala Rudolfa Maistra stoji na današnjem Trgu generala Maistra od leta 1987. Rudolf Maister sodi zaradi svojih zaslug pri oblikovanju slovenske severne državne meje med izjemno pomembne Mariborčane.
10. The people of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity of autonomous development. This proposition no longer holds. Instead we have [today] the following elements: (1) Czechoslovakia. Its territories include at least a million Germans for whom some provision must be made. The independence of Slovakia means the dismemberment of the northwestern countries of Hungary. (3) German Austria. This territory shoul right be permitted to join Germany, but there is strong objection in [France] because of the increase of [population] involved.
In this 8 ianuarie 1918, address to Congress, President Woodrow Wilson proposed a 14-point program for world peace. These points were later taken as the basis for peace negotiations at the end of the war.... Germany quickly found out that Wilson’s blueprint for world peace would not apply to them.
KAJ VSE JE POSVEČENO RUDOLFU MAISTRU: Seznam objektov po krajih: Maribor: Spomeniki, Relief, Kipi, Osnovne šole, Razstava; Kamnik: Spomenik, Srednja šola; Ljubljana: Spomenik,Ulice.
Tako je prišlo do demonstracij, ki jih je nacionalistični del nemške publistike zaradi streljanja, do katerega je prišlo na Glavnom Trgu pred Mestno Hišo, še danes oznečuje Der Marburger Bluttag...
... por. King, profesor za slovanske jezike na Unverzi v Misuriju
Mestni svet mesta Maribor je sklenil, da so vsi za orožje sposobni ljudje, v Mariboru stanujoči ljudje, od dovršenega 18. do dovršenega 50. leta starosti dolzm služiti v mariborski Schutzwehr in se morajo torej vsi v Mariboru stanujoči možje rojstnih letnikov od 1868 do vključno 1900 javiti pri mariborski Schutzwehr...Za razorožitev je določil Maister 23. november, začetek pa na 4. uro zjutraj...23. novembra, istega dne, ko je bila razorožena Schutzwehr...
Določil sem 21 uglednih mariborskih meščanov kot talce,..
Slovensko in nemška poročila si med seboj in v sebi preveč nasprotujejo
Takoj po prihodu Američanov so se na hišah glavnih ulic, kmalu na to pa po vsem mestu, pojavile črno - rdeče - rumene trobojriice, frankfurtarce. Mariborsko nemško meščanstvo, pomešano z ljudmi, ki so prišli od dmigod, se je začelo zbirati v neprestano naraščajoče sprevode.
Stražniki so imeli v rokah puške z nasajenim bajoneti
Naenkrat slišim strel iz množice, ki je zadel bajonet na puški predmenoj stoječega vojaka.
... Nemški napad na Radgono se je začel 4. februarja ..
...naj se določijo pogoji premirja in začnejo pogajanja,..ob navzočnosti francoske misije začela 10. februarja pogajanja.
...Zaključila so se 13. februarja .Jugoslovanska posadka se umakne iz Cmureka na južni breg,
Jugo-Slav authorities in Marburg [Maribor] still look with suspicion on the work of Colonel Miles' commission in Carinthia. He sums up their attitude by saying that he thinks they are afraid the Americans found out too much. He also says that it is indisputable that in Styria, at least, there are Slovenes who want to remain under Austrian rule.
KAJ VSE JE POSVEČENO RUDOLFU MAISTRU: Seznam objektov po krajih: Maribor: Spomeniki, Relief, Kipi, Osnovne šole, Razstava; Kamnik: Spomenik, Srednja šola; Ljubljana: Spomenik,Ulice.
In this 8 ianuarie 1918, address to Congress, President Woodrow Wilson proposed a 14-point program for world peace. These points were later taken as the basis for peace negotiations at the end of the war.... Germany quickly found out that Wilson’s blueprint for world peace would not apply to them.
10. The people of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity of autonomous development. This proposition no longer holds. Instead we have [today] the following elements: (1) Czechoslovakia. Its territories include at least a million Germans for whom some provision must be made. The independence of Slovakia means the dismemberment of the northwestern countries of Hungary. (3) German Austria. This territory shoul right be permitted to join Germany, but there is strong objection in [France] because of the increase of [population] involved.
Sie bestand aus Oberstleutnant Sherman Miles, Leutnant Le Roy King und den Professoren Robert Kerner und Lawrence Martin.
Eine Salve nach der anderen feuerten die Soldaten in die nichtsahnende, wehr- und waffenlose Volksmenge, .... 13 Tote und etwa 60 Verwundete...
Jugo-Slav authorities in Marburg [Maribor] still look with suspicion on the work of Colonel Miles' commission in Carinthia. He sums up their attitude by saying that he thinks they are afraid the Americans found out too much. He also says that it is indisputable that in Styria, at least, there are Slovenes who want to remain under Austrian rule.
Er war der Sohn einer ethnisch gemischten Familie in der Steiermark, wurde von seiner slowenischen Mutter zu einem glühenden Nationalisten erzogen und ging als „Schlächter von Marburg“
Spomenik generala Rudolfa Maistra stoji na današnjem Trgu generala Maistra od leta 1987. Rudolf Maister sodi zaradi svojih zaslug pri oblikovanju slovenske severne državne meje med izjemno pomembne Mariborčane.
(Maisterovo nenadano i potpuno samoinicijativno proglašenje Maribora dijelom Jugolavije 1. XI i preuzimanje vojne komande nad gradom i čitavom Donjom Štajerskom