Egiptul Antic (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Egiptul Antic" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
4th place
4th place

  • Arredi B, Poloni E, Paracchini S, Zerjal T, Fathallah D, Makrelouf M, Pascali V, Novelletto A, Tyler-Smith C (). „A predominantly neolithic origin for Y-chromosomal DNA variation in North Africa”. Am J Hum Genet. 75 (2): 338–45. PMID 15202071. 
  • Manni F, Leonardi P, Barakat A, Rouba H, Heyer E, Klintschar M, McElreavey K, Quintana-Murci L (). „Y-chromosome analysis in Egypt suggests a genetic regional continuity in Northeastern Africa”. Hum Biol. 74 (5): 645–58. PMID 12495079. 
  • Kivisild T, Reidla M, Metspalu E, Rosa A, Brehm A, Pennarun E, Parik J, Geberhiwot T, Usanga E, Villems R (). „Ethiopian mitochondrial DNA heritage: tracking gene flow across and around the gate of tears”. Am J Hum Genet. 75 (5): 752–70. PMID 15457403. 
  • Stevanovitch A, Gilles A, Bouzaid E, Kefi R, Paris F, Gayraud R, Spadoni J, El-Chenawi F, Béraud-Colomb E (). „Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in a sedentary population from Egypt”. Ann Hum Genet. 68 (Pt 1): 23–39. PMID 14748828.