Erezie (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Erezie" in Romanian language version.

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1,423rd place
130th place
3rd place
6th place
6th place
23rd place
low place
low place
305th place
382nd place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
1st place

  • Hopkins 2017, p. 457. : But, per contra, it is extremely difficult for dispersed and prohibited house cult-groups and communities to maintain and enforce common beliefs and common liturgical practices across space and time in pre-industrial conditions of communications.43 The frequent claims that scattered Christian communities constituted a single Church was not a description of reality in the first two centuries AD, but a blatant yet forceful denial of reality. What was amazing was the persistence and power of the ideal in the face of its unachievability, even in the fourth century. On a local level, it is also unlikely that twenty households in a typical community, let alone a dozen households in a house cult-group, could maintain even one full-time, non-earning priest. Perhaps a group of forty households could, especially if they had a wealthy patron. But for most Christian communities of this size, a hierarchy of bishop and lesser clergy seems completely inappropriate. Hopkins, Keith (). „12 - Christian Number and its implications”. În Kelly, Christopher. Sociological Studies in Roman History. Cambridge University Press. p. 442. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139093552.014.

  • Hopkins 2017, p. 457. : But, per contra, it is extremely difficult for dispersed and prohibited house cult-groups and communities to maintain and enforce common beliefs and common liturgical practices across space and time in pre-industrial conditions of communications.43 The frequent claims that scattered Christian communities constituted a single Church was not a description of reality in the first two centuries AD, but a blatant yet forceful denial of reality. What was amazing was the persistence and power of the ideal in the face of its unachievability, even in the fourth century. On a local level, it is also unlikely that twenty households in a typical community, let alone a dozen households in a house cult-group, could maintain even one full-time, non-earning priest. Perhaps a group of forty households could, especially if they had a wealthy patron. But for most Christian communities of this size, a hierarchy of bishop and lesser clergy seems completely inappropriate. Hopkins, Keith (). „12 - Christian Number and its implications”. În Kelly, Christopher. Sociological Studies in Roman History. Cambridge University Press. p. 442. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139093552.014.

  • Dr. Rodney J. Decker, "The Rehabilitation of Heresy: “Misquoting” Earliest Christianity: Part 1" The Journal of Ministry and Theology JMAT 13:1, primăvara lui 2009, pp. 30-63. Citat: „And he spoke a parable unto them, saying, there once was a certain man named Joe. He taught many things which were quite different from things taught by his contemporaries. Those who heard him were impressed with his wisdom. Some even thought he was more than a mere man. After he died his ideas were developed by other people, not all of whom were as insightful as Joe. As a result, many divergent groups developed in different places, each claiming to represent Joe’s “true” teaching, despite the fact that they taught very different things and had very different views as to who Joe was. This continued for several centuries, but eventually one of the groups, the Joeists, was able to dominate the others through political savvy, lots of cash, administrative skill, and outright force. Once they had achieved power, the Joeists ruthlessly persecuted the other groups, destroyed their writings, and sought to obliterate their very memory. The winners in this very nasty ideological war then proceeded to rewrite history to make it appear as if the Joeists had been the only group in existence from the very beginning. They revised the early documents that told about Joe to make them sound like Joe taught exactly what the Joeists believed. They compiled these modified documents into an official literary corpus and allowed people to read only from this sanctioned anthology. In addition they wrote very strict definitions as to what people were allowed to believe and say about Joe. And so Joeism became a new world religion, spreading across the planet, but always tightly controlled by the original leaders in Joeville.”