Eric Bana (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Eric Bana" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
1st place
1st place
3,116th place
1,749th place
43rd place
2nd place
1,793rd place
4,377th place
4,189th place
8,753rd place
3,442nd place
6,527th place
4,256th place
6,042nd place
3,062nd place
2,604th place
219th place
196th place
16th place
24th place

  • hr Radoš, Ivica (). „Eric Bana: On the official documents I am still Eric Banadinović”. Jutarnji list. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . Kad na poštanskoj pošiljki vidim da piše Eric Bana, odmah pomislim kako u kuverti nije nešto važno. No, kad primim pošiljku na kojoj piše Eric Banadinović, znam da je riječ o nečemu službenom – rekao je Bana. ("When on the postal deliveries I see that it is written Eric Bana, I immediately know that in the envelope it isn't anything important. But when I receive the shipment that says Eric Banadinović, I know that it is about something official – said Bana.")

  • hr Radoš, Ivica (). „Eric Bana: On the official documents I am still Eric Banadinović”. Jutarnji list. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . Kad na poštanskoj pošiljki vidim da piše Eric Bana, odmah pomislim kako u kuverti nije nešto važno. No, kad primim pošiljku na kojoj piše Eric Banadinović, znam da je riječ o nečemu službenom – rekao je Bana. ("When on the postal deliveries I see that it is written Eric Bana, I immediately know that in the envelope it isn't anything important. But when I receive the shipment that says Eric Banadinović, I know that it is about something official – said Bana.") 
  • Wills, Dominic. Eric Bana – Biography Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.. Tiscali Film & TV. Retrieved 15 March 2008.