Eritroză (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Eritroză" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
3rd place
6th place
4th place
4th place
149th place
216th place
2nd place
3rd place
1,844th place
612th place

  • Obituary of Garot (1869) Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, 4th series, 9 : 472-473.
  • Garot (1850) "De la matière colorante rouge des rhubarbes exotiques et indigènes et de son application (comme matière colorante) aux arts et à la pharmacie" (On the red coloring material of exotic and indigenous rhubarb and on its application (as a coloring material) in the arts and in pharmacy), Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, 3rd series, 17 : 5-19. Erythrose is named on p. 10: "Celui que je propose, sans y attacher toutefois la moindre importance, est celui d'érythrose, du verbe grec 'ερυθραινω, rougir (1)." (The one [i.e., name] that I propose, without attaching any importance to it, is that of erythrose, from the Greek verb ερυθραινω, to redden (1).)
  • Wells, David Ames; Cross, Charles Robert; Bliss, George; Trowbridge, John; Nichols, William Ripley; Kneeland, Samuel (). Annual of Scientific Discovery. Boston: Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln. p. 211. Accesat în .