Exodul (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Exodul" in Romanian language version.

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3,217th place
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127th place
5,088th place
3,624th place




  • Grabbe, Lester L. (). Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?: Revised Edition. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 36. ISBN 978-0-567-67044-1. The impression one has now is that the debate has settled down. Although they do not seem to admit it, the minimalists have triumphed in many ways. That is, most scholars reject the historicity of the 'patriarchal period', see the settlement as mostly made up of indigenous inhabitants of Canaan and are cautious about the early monarchy. The exodus is rejected or assumed to be based on an event much different from the biblical account. On the other hand, there is not the widespread rejection of the biblical text as a historical source that one finds among the main minimalists. There are few, if any, maximalists (defined as those who accept the biblical text unless it can be absolutely disproved) in mainstream scholarship, only on the more fundamentalist fringes. 
  • Killebrew, Ann E. (). „Early Israel's Origins, Settlement, and Ethnogenesis”. În Kelle, Brad E.; Strawn, Brent A. The Oxford Handbook of the Historical Books of the Hebrew Bible. Oxford University Press. pp. 86–88. ISBN 978-0-19-007411-1. 
  • Faust, Avraham (). „The Birth of Israel”. În Hoyland, Robert G.; Williamson, H. G. M. The Oxford History of the Holy Land. Oxford University Press. p. 28. ISBN 978-0-19-288687-3. 
  • Killebrew, Ann E. (). „Early Israel's Origins, Settlement, and Ethnogenesis”. În Kelle, Brad E.; Strawn, Brent A. The Oxford Handbook of the Historical Books of the Hebrew Bible. Oxford University Press. p. 86. ISBN 978-0-19-007411-1. 




  • Pfoh, Emanuel (). „UNA DECONSTRUCCIÓN DEL PASADO DE ISRAEL EN EL ANTIGUO ORIENTE: HACIA UNA NUEVA HISTORIA DE LA ANTIGUA PALESTINA”. Estudios de Asia y África (în spaniolă). Ciudad de México: El Colegio De Mexico. 45 (3 (143)): 669–697. doi:10.24201/eaa.v45i3.1995. ISSN 0185-0164. JSTOR i25822397. Históricamente, no podemos hablar más de un periodo de los Patriarcas, del Éxodo de los israelitas de Egipto, de la conquista de Canaán, de un periodo de los Jueces en Palestina, ni de una Monarquía Unida dominando desde el Éufrates hasta el Arco de Egipto.31 Incluso la historicidad del Exilio de los israelitas de Palestina hacia Babilonia como un evento único ha sido puesta en seria duda recientemente.32

    31 Cf. Th. L. Thompson, Early History of the Israelite People: From the Written and Archaeological Sources, Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East, 4, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1992, pp. 10-116, 146-158, 215-300, 401412; N. P. Lemche, "Early Israel Revisited", Currents in Research: Biblical Studies, vol. 4, 1996, pp. 9-34, y The Israelites in History and Tradition, Library of Ancient Israel, Louisville, wjk, 1998, pp. 35 85; I. Finkelstein y N. A. Silberman, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision on Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, Nueva York, Free Press, 2001, pp. 27-96, 123-145. Vease tambien Liverani, Oltre la Bibbia. Storia antica di Israele, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003, y Recenti tendenze nella ricostruzione della storia antica d'Israele, Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2005.

    32 L. L. Grabbe (ed.), Leading Captivity Captive: "The Exile" as History and Ideology, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament - Supplement Series, 278/European Seminar in Historical Methodology, 2, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.

    Din punct de vedere istoric, nu se mai poate vorbi de o perioadă a Patriarhilor, de Ieșirea israeliților din Egipt, de cucerirea Canaanului, de o perioadă a Judecătorilor în Palestina și nici de o Monarhie Unită care domină de la Eufrat la Arcul Egiptului.31 Chiar și istoricitatea Exilului israeliților din Palestina în Babilon ca eveniment unic a fost recent serios pusă la îndoială.32






  • Hamilton, Adam (). Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today. Crown Publishing Group. p. 17. ISBN 978-1-5247-6055-7. 
  • Wylen, Stephen M. (). „Chapter Ten: Passover”. Settings of Silver: An Introduction to Judaism. Paulist Press. p. footnote 6. ISBN 978-1-61643-498-4. 
  • Siskinson, Chris (). „5. Meet the natives Egypt in the Bible”. Time Travel to the Old Testament. InterVarsity Press. p. PT93. ISBN 978-1-78359-010-0. The Israelites did not build tombs or pyramids 
  • Cline, Eric H. (). From Eden to Exile: Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible. National Geographic Society. p. 65. ISBN 978-1-4262-1224-6. Accesat în . THERE ARE NUMEROUS questions associated with this story, virtually none of which has been satisfactorily answered to date by archaeologists, ancient historians, or biblical scholars. For instance, did the Exodus take place at all? If it did, when it did occur? Was it an event, occurring at a single moment in time, or was it a process, occurring gradually over two centuries or more? Who was the pharaoh (or who were the pharaohs) ruling Egypt at the time? How many people were involved? And how do we explain the various parts of the story, including the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea (“Red Sea” is a mistranslation of the original Hebrew words Yam Suf, which actually mean “Reed Sea” or “Sea of Reeds”), the Ten Commandments, and so on? We can now try to answer some of these questions by exploring the biblical story in more detail, taking into consideration the relevant extra-biblical historical and archaeological evidence. 




  • Pfoh, Emanuel (). „UNA DECONSTRUCCIÓN DEL PASADO DE ISRAEL EN EL ANTIGUO ORIENTE: HACIA UNA NUEVA HISTORIA DE LA ANTIGUA PALESTINA”. Estudios de Asia y África (în spaniolă). Ciudad de México: El Colegio De Mexico. 45 (3 (143)): 669–697. doi:10.24201/eaa.v45i3.1995. ISSN 0185-0164. JSTOR i25822397. Históricamente, no podemos hablar más de un periodo de los Patriarcas, del Éxodo de los israelitas de Egipto, de la conquista de Canaán, de un periodo de los Jueces en Palestina, ni de una Monarquía Unida dominando desde el Éufrates hasta el Arco de Egipto.31 Incluso la historicidad del Exilio de los israelitas de Palestina hacia Babilonia como un evento único ha sido puesta en seria duda recientemente.32

    31 Cf. Th. L. Thompson, Early History of the Israelite People: From the Written and Archaeological Sources, Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East, 4, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1992, pp. 10-116, 146-158, 215-300, 401412; N. P. Lemche, "Early Israel Revisited", Currents in Research: Biblical Studies, vol. 4, 1996, pp. 9-34, y The Israelites in History and Tradition, Library of Ancient Israel, Louisville, wjk, 1998, pp. 35 85; I. Finkelstein y N. A. Silberman, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision on Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, Nueva York, Free Press, 2001, pp. 27-96, 123-145. Vease tambien Liverani, Oltre la Bibbia. Storia antica di Israele, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003, y Recenti tendenze nella ricostruzione della storia antica d'Israele, Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2005.

    32 L. L. Grabbe (ed.), Leading Captivity Captive: "The Exile" as History and Ideology, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament - Supplement Series, 278/European Seminar in Historical Methodology, 2, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.

    Din punct de vedere istoric, nu se mai poate vorbi de o perioadă a Patriarhilor, de Ieșirea israeliților din Egipt, de cucerirea Canaanului, de o perioadă a Judecătorilor în Palestina și nici de o Monarhie Unită care domină de la Eufrat la Arcul Egiptului.31 Chiar și istoricitatea Exilului israeliților din Palestina în Babilon ca eveniment unic a fost recent serios pusă la îndoială.32








  • Greenberg, Moshe; Sperling, S. David (). „Exodus, Book of.”. În Skolnik, Fred; Berenbaum, Michael; Thomson Gale (Firm). Encyclopaedia Judaica. 6 (ed. 2nd). pp. 612–623. ISBN 978-0-02-866097-4. OCLC 123527471. Accesat în . Current scholarly consensus based on archaeology holds the enslavement and exodus traditions to be unhistorical. 
  • Pfoh, Emanuel (). „UNA DECONSTRUCCIÓN DEL PASADO DE ISRAEL EN EL ANTIGUO ORIENTE: HACIA UNA NUEVA HISTORIA DE LA ANTIGUA PALESTINA”. Estudios de Asia y África (în spaniolă). Ciudad de México: El Colegio De Mexico. 45 (3 (143)): 669–697. doi:10.24201/eaa.v45i3.1995. ISSN 0185-0164. JSTOR i25822397. Históricamente, no podemos hablar más de un periodo de los Patriarcas, del Éxodo de los israelitas de Egipto, de la conquista de Canaán, de un periodo de los Jueces en Palestina, ni de una Monarquía Unida dominando desde el Éufrates hasta el Arco de Egipto.31 Incluso la historicidad del Exilio de los israelitas de Palestina hacia Babilonia como un evento único ha sido puesta en seria duda recientemente.32

    31 Cf. Th. L. Thompson, Early History of the Israelite People: From the Written and Archaeological Sources, Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East, 4, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1992, pp. 10-116, 146-158, 215-300, 401412; N. P. Lemche, "Early Israel Revisited", Currents in Research: Biblical Studies, vol. 4, 1996, pp. 9-34, y The Israelites in History and Tradition, Library of Ancient Israel, Louisville, wjk, 1998, pp. 35 85; I. Finkelstein y N. A. Silberman, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision on Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, Nueva York, Free Press, 2001, pp. 27-96, 123-145. Vease tambien Liverani, Oltre la Bibbia. Storia antica di Israele, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003, y Recenti tendenze nella ricostruzione della storia antica d'Israele, Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2005.

    32 L. L. Grabbe (ed.), Leading Captivity Captive: "The Exile" as History and Ideology, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament - Supplement Series, 278/European Seminar in Historical Methodology, 2, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.

    Din punct de vedere istoric, nu se mai poate vorbi de o perioadă a Patriarhilor, de Ieșirea israeliților din Egipt, de cucerirea Canaanului, de o perioadă a Judecătorilor în Palestina și nici de o Monarhie Unită care domină de la Eufrat la Arcul Egiptului.31 Chiar și istoricitatea Exilului israeliților din Palestina în Babilon ca eveniment unic a fost recent serios pusă la îndoială.32