John Davy (). „On a gaseous compound of carbonic oxide and chlorine”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 102: 144–151. doi:10.1098/rstl.1812.0008. JSTOR107310. Fosgenul a fost denumit pe p. 151: " ... it will be necessary to designate it by some simple name. I venture to propose that of phosgene, or phosgene gas; from φως, light, γινομαι, to produce, which signifies formed by light; ... "
John Davy (). „On a gaseous compound of carbonic oxide and chlorine”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 102: 144–151. doi:10.1098/rstl.1812.0008. JSTOR107310. Fosgenul a fost denumit pe p. 151: " ... it will be necessary to designate it by some simple name. I venture to propose that of phosgene, or phosgene gas; from φως, light, γινομαι, to produce, which signifies formed by light; ... "
John Davy (). „On a gaseous compound of carbonic oxide and chlorine”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 102: 144–151. doi:10.1098/rstl.1812.0008. JSTOR107310. Fosgenul a fost denumit pe p. 151: " ... it will be necessary to designate it by some simple name. I venture to propose that of phosgene, or phosgene gas; from φως, light, γινομαι, to produce, which signifies formed by light; ... "