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en Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron; Millear, Anoushka I.; Stubbs, Rebecca W.; Shields, Chloe; Pickering, Brandon V.; Earl, Lucas; Graetz, Nicholas; Kinyoki, Damaris K.; Ray, Sarah E.; Bhatt, Samir; Browne, Annie J.; Burstein, Roy; Cameron, Ewan; Casey, Daniel C.; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W.; Gibson, Harry S.; Henry, Nathaniel J.; Herrero, Mario; Krause, L. Kendall; Letourneau, Ian D.; Levine, Aubrey J.; Liu, Patrick Y.; Longbottom, Joshua; Mayala, Benjamin K.; Mosser, Jonathan F.; Noor, Abdisalan M.; Pigott, David M.; Piwoz, Ellen G.; Rao, Puja; Rawat, Rahul; Reiner, Robert C.; Smith, David L.; Weiss, Daniel J.; Wiens, Kirsten E.; Mokdad, Ali H.; Lim, Stephen S.; Murray, Christopher J. L.; Kassebaum, Nicholas J.; Hay, Simon I. (). „Mapping child growth failure in Africa between 2000 and 2015”. Nature. 555 (7694): 41–47. Bibcode:2018Natur.555...41O. doi:10.1038/nature25760. PMC6346257. PMID29493591.
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en Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron; Millear, Anoushka I.; Stubbs, Rebecca W.; Shields, Chloe; Pickering, Brandon V.; Earl, Lucas; Graetz, Nicholas; Kinyoki, Damaris K.; Ray, Sarah E.; Bhatt, Samir; Browne, Annie J.; Burstein, Roy; Cameron, Ewan; Casey, Daniel C.; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W.; Gibson, Harry S.; Henry, Nathaniel J.; Herrero, Mario; Krause, L. Kendall; Letourneau, Ian D.; Levine, Aubrey J.; Liu, Patrick Y.; Longbottom, Joshua; Mayala, Benjamin K.; Mosser, Jonathan F.; Noor, Abdisalan M.; Pigott, David M.; Piwoz, Ellen G.; Rao, Puja; Rawat, Rahul; Reiner, Robert C.; Smith, David L.; Weiss, Daniel J.; Wiens, Kirsten E.; Mokdad, Ali H.; Lim, Stephen S.; Murray, Christopher J. L.; Kassebaum, Nicholas J.; Hay, Simon I. (). „Mapping child growth failure in Africa between 2000 and 2015”. Nature. 555 (7694): 41–47. Bibcode:2018Natur.555...41O. doi:10.1038/nature25760. PMC6346257. PMID29493591.
en Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron; Millear, Anoushka I.; Stubbs, Rebecca W.; Shields, Chloe; Pickering, Brandon V.; Earl, Lucas; Graetz, Nicholas; Kinyoki, Damaris K.; Ray, Sarah E.; Bhatt, Samir; Browne, Annie J.; Burstein, Roy; Cameron, Ewan; Casey, Daniel C.; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W.; Gibson, Harry S.; Henry, Nathaniel J.; Herrero, Mario; Krause, L. Kendall; Letourneau, Ian D.; Levine, Aubrey J.; Liu, Patrick Y.; Longbottom, Joshua; Mayala, Benjamin K.; Mosser, Jonathan F.; Noor, Abdisalan M.; Pigott, David M.; Piwoz, Ellen G.; Rao, Puja; Rawat, Rahul; Reiner, Robert C.; Smith, David L.; Weiss, Daniel J.; Wiens, Kirsten E.; Mokdad, Ali H.; Lim, Stephen S.; Murray, Christopher J. L.; Kassebaum, Nicholas J.; Hay, Simon I. (). „Mapping child growth failure in Africa between 2000 and 2015”. Nature. 555 (7694): 41–47. Bibcode:2018Natur.555...41O. doi:10.1038/nature25760. PMC6346257. PMID29493591.
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WASH este un acronim pentru WAter, Sanitation, Hygene - „apă, canalizare, salubritate, igienă”. Asigurarea apei potabile sigure, a sistemelor de canalizare și salubritate și a igienei este esențială pentru sănătatea și bunăstarea oamenilor
en Leal Filho, Walter; Brandli, Luciana Londero; Lange Salvia, Amanda; Rayman-Bacchus, Lez; Platje, Johannes (). „COVID-19 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Threat to Solidarity or an Opportunity?” [COVID-19 și Obiectivele de dezvoltare durabilă ale ONU: amenințare la solidaritate sau oportunitate?]. Sustainability (în engleză). 12 (13): 5343. doi:10.3390/su12135343. ISSN2071-1050.