McCown, Chester Charlton (). „Muslim Shrines in Palestine”. The Annual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. 2: 56. doi:10.2307/3768451. JSTOR3768451.
"Hence in I Sam. i. 1 his ancestral line is carried back to Zuph (comp. I Sam. ix. 5 et seq.). The word צופים in I Sam. i. 1 should be amended to הצופי ('the Zuphite'), the final mem being a dittogram of that with which the next word, מהר, begins; as the LXX. has it, Σειφὰ. Elkanah is also represented in I Sam. i. 1 as hailing from the mountains of Ephraim, the word here אפרתי denoting this (comp. Judges xii. 5; I Kings xi. 26)—if indeed אפרתי is not a corruption for 'Ephraimite'—and not, as in Judges i. 2 and I Sam. xvii. 12, an inhabitant of Ephrata (see LXX.)." "Elkanah," in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.
Hirsch, Emil G.; Bacher, Wilhelm; Lauterbach, Jacob Zallel (). „Samuel”. Jewish Encyclopedia.
McCown, Chester Charlton (). „Muslim Shrines in Palestine”. The Annual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. 2: 56. doi:10.2307/3768451. JSTOR3768451.