Spliceosom (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Spliceosom" in Romanian language version.

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  • Will, Cindy L.; Reinhard Lührmann (). „Spliceosome Structure and Function”. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 3 (7): a003707. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003707. Accesat în . 


  • Will, Cindy L.; Reinhard Lührmann (). „Spliceosome Structure and Function”. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 3 (7): a003707. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003707. Accesat în . 
  • Patel, Abhijit A.; Joan A. Steitz (decembrie 2003). „Splicing double: insights from the second spliceosome”. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 4 (12): 960–970. doi:10.1038/nrm1259. ISSN 1471-0072. PMID 14685174. Accesat în . 
  • Pessa, HK; Will, CL; Meng, X; Schneider, C; Watkins, NJ; Perälä, N; Nymark, M; Turunen, JJ; Lührmann, R; Frilander, MJ (). „Minor spliceosome components are predominantly localized in the nucleus”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105 (25): 8655–60. doi:10.1073/pnas.0803646105. PMC 2438382Accesibil gratuit. PMID 18559850. 
  • Denis, MM (). „Escaping the nuclear confines: signal-dependent pre-mRNA splicing in anucleate platelets”. Cell. 122 (3): 379–91. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2005.06.015. PMID 16096058. 
  • Glanzer, J; Miyashiro, KY; Sul, JY; Barrett, L; Belt, B; Haydon, P; Eberwine, J (). „RNA splicing capability of live neuronal dendrites”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102 (46): 16859–64. doi:10.1073/pnas.0503783102. PMC 1277967Accesibil gratuit. PMID 16275927. 
  • Smaglik, P. (). „Researchers take a gamble on the human genome”. Nature. 405 (6784): 264. doi:10.1038/35012771. PMID 10830930. 
  • Schmucker, D.; Clemens, J.C.; Shu, H.; Worby, C.A.; Xiao, J.; Muda, M.; Dixon, J.E.; Zipursky, S.L. (). „Drosophila Dscam Is an Axon Guidance Receptor Exhibiting Extraordinary Molecular Diversity”. Cell. 101 (6): 671–684. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80878-8. PMID 10892653. 
  • Berget, S. M., Moore, C. and Sharp, P. A. (). „Spliced segments at the 5' terminus of adenovirus 2 late mRNA”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 74 (8): 3171–5. doi:10.1073/pnas.74.8.3171. PMC 431482Accesibil gratuit. PMID 269380. 
  • Chow, L. T. (). „A map of cytoplasmic RNA transcripts from lytic adenovirus type 2, determined by electron microscopy of RNA:DNA hybrids”. Cell. 11 (4): 819–836. doi:10.1016/0092-8674(77)90294-X. PMID 890740. 



