Page 6: Chenoweth, Eric (). „The gallant warrior: In memoriam Tom Kahn”(PDF). Uncaptive Minds: A journal of information and opinion on Eastern Europe. 1718 M Street, NW, No. 147, Washington DC 20036, USA: Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (IDEE). 5 (20): 5–16. ISSN0897-9669. Arhivat din original(PDF) la .
Page 6: Chenoweth, Eric (). „The gallant warrior: In memoriam Tom Kahn”(PDF). Uncaptive Minds: A journal of information and opinion on Eastern Europe. 1718 M Street, NW, No. 147, Washington DC 20036, USA: Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (IDEE). 5 (20): 5–16. ISSN0897-9669. Arhivat din original(PDF) la .
Page 6: Chenoweth, Eric (). „The gallant warrior: In memoriam Tom Kahn”(PDF). Uncaptive Minds: A journal of information and opinion on Eastern Europe. 1718 M Street, NW, No. 147, Washington DC 20036, USA: Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (IDEE). 5 (20): 5–16. ISSN0897-9669. Arhivat din original(PDF) la .