The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica (). Scripture. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
„The Yahwist”. Contradictions in the Bible (în engleză). . Accesat în .
Kumar, Shailendra; Choudhury, Sanghamitra (). Meissner, Richard, ed. „Ancient Vedic Literature and Human Rights: Resonances and Dissonances”. Cogent Social Sciences (în engleză). 7 (1): 1858562. doi:10.1080/23311886.2020.1858562. ISSN2331-1886.
Ricoeur, Paul (). „Philosophy and Religious Language”. The Journal of Religion. University of Chicago Press. 54 (1): 71–85. doi:10.1086/486374.
Thomas B. Coburn (). „"Scripture" in India: Towards a Typology of the Word in Hindu Life”. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Oxford University Press. 52 (3): 435–459. doi:10.1093/jaarel/52.3.435. JSTOR1464202.
Kramer, Samuel (). „The Oldest Literary Catalogue: A Sumerian List of Literary Compositions Compiled about 2000 B.C”. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 88 (88): 10–19. doi:10.2307/1355474. JSTOR1355474.
Kumar, Shailendra; Choudhury, Sanghamitra (). Meissner, Richard, ed. „Ancient Vedic Literature and Human Rights: Resonances and Dissonances”. Cogent Social Sciences (în engleză). 7 (1): 1858562. doi:10.1080/23311886.2020.1858562. ISSN2331-1886.
Carroll Stuhlmueller (). „The Influence of Oral Tradition Upon Exegesis and the Senses of Scripture”. The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 20 (3): 299–302. JSTOR43710550.
Thomas B. Coburn (). „"Scripture" in India: Towards a Typology of the Word in Hindu Life”. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Oxford University Press. 52 (3): 435–459. doi:10.1093/jaarel/52.3.435. JSTOR1464202.
Kramer, Samuel (). „The Oldest Literary Catalogue: A Sumerian List of Literary Compositions Compiled about 2000 B.C”. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 88 (88): 10–19. doi:10.2307/1355474. JSTOR1355474.
Kumar, Shailendra; Choudhury, Sanghamitra (). Meissner, Richard, ed. „Ancient Vedic Literature and Human Rights: Resonances and Dissonances”. Cogent Social Sciences (în engleză). 7 (1): 1858562. doi:10.1080/23311886.2020.1858562. ISSN2331-1886.
Kumar, Shailendra; Choudhury, Sanghamitra (). Meissner, Richard, ed. „Ancient Vedic Literature and Human Rights: Resonances and Dissonances”. Cogent Social Sciences (în engleză). 7 (1): 1858562. doi:10.1080/23311886.2020.1858562. ISSN2331-1886.