Chesebro’s detailed instructions sent out to the electors for each State to make sure they “comply” with law—by meeting at the right place and time, etc.—would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. He literally had them sign documents—certifications!—that they were “the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President” from that state when they were not. It emphatically was not States or any authorized person or body from the States that manufactured these counterfeit dual slates—it was lawyers who were working for and with Trump. As [Pence's legal counsel] Jacob emphasized to Pence as late as January 5, not a single State legislature had certified an alternate slate of electoral votes, and Jacob recounts, “Professor Eastman acknowledges that most Republican legislative majorities in the States have signaled they have no intention of doing so.”
Tarkington, Margaret.Lawyers and the Abuse of Government Power. SSRN. 2023. p. 74