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Chalmers, J.A.; Green, P.; Japsen, P.; Rasmussen, E.S. (2010). The Scandinavian mountains have not persisted since the Caledonian orogeny. A comment on Nielsen et al. (2009a). Journal of Geodynamics. 50 (2): 94–101. Bibcode:2010JGeo...50...94C. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2010.02.001.
Jarsve, Erlend M.; Krøgli, Svein Olav; Etzelmüller, Bernd; Gabrielsen, Roy H. (2014). Automatic identification of topographic surfaces related to the sub-Cambrian peneplain (SCP) in Southern Norway—Surface generation algorithms and implications. Geomorphology journal. 211: 89–99. Bibcode:2014Geomo.211...89J. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.12.032.
Redfied, T.F.; Osmundsen, P.T. (2013). The long-term topographic response of a continent adjacent to a hyperextended margin: A case study from Scandinavia. GSA Bulletin. 125 (1): 184–200. Bibcode:2013GSAB..125..184R. doi:10.1130/B30691.1.
Rohrman, Max; van der Beek, Peter; Andriessen, Paul; Cloetingh, Sierd (1995). Meso-Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution of southern Norway: Neogene domal uplift inferred from apatite fission track thermochronology. Tectonics. 14 (3): 704–718. Bibcode:1995Tecto..14..704R. doi:10.1029/95tc00088.
Japsen, Peter; Chalmers, James A.; Green, Paul F.; Bonow, Johan M. (2012). Elevated, passive continental margins: Not rift shoulders, but expressions of episodic, post-rift burial and exhumation. Global and Planetary Change. 90–91: 73–86. Bibcode:2012GPC....90...73J. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.05.004.