«Similar losses were suffered also in additional air battles on 3rd, 13th, 18th, and 19th October, during which a total of no less but eleven MiG-23BNs were confirmed shot down by Iranian F-14s, most of them over the northern Persian Gulf, between Abadan and Bushehr». Early MiG-23M/MS Floggers in ActionАрхивная копия от 4 октября 2013 на Wayback Machine
«Similar losses were suffered also in additional air battles on 3rd, 13th, 18th, and 19th October, during which a total of no less but eleven MiG-23BNs were confirmed shot down by Iranian F-14s, most of them over the northern Persian Gulf, between Abadan and Bushehr». Early MiG-23M/MS Floggers in ActionАрхивная копия от 4 октября 2013 на Wayback Machine