Bouligny, John Edward.Feb. 5, 1861: Secession of Louisiana. Speech in the House of Representatives (Washington, D.C.) (неопр.) (5 февраля 1861). Дата обращения: 23 января 2017. Архивировано из оригинала 2 февраля 2017 года.
John David Bladek, «'Virginia Is Middle Ground': The Know Nothing Party and the Virginia Gubernatorial Election of 1855». Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1998): 35-70. JSTOR4249690.
Broussard, James H. (1966). Some Determinants of Know-Nothing Electoral Strength in the South, 1856. Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association. 7 (1): 5–20. JSTOR4230880.
John David Bladek, «'Virginia Is Middle Ground': The Know Nothing Party and the Virginia Gubernatorial Election of 1855.» Virginia Magazine of History and Biography(1998), pp. 35-70 onlineАрхивная копия от 8 марта 2021 на Wayback Machine p. 45.
Philip Morrison Rice, «The Know-Nothing Party in Virginia, 1854—1856.» Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1947) 55#1: 61-75, at p. 66 onlineАрхивная копия от 8 марта 2021 на Wayback Machine.
Philip Morrison Rice, "The Know-Nothing Party in Virginia, 1854—1856 (Concluded), " Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 55#2 (1947), pp. 159—167 online.
That while we resist all encroachments of spiritual power upon our political rights, we disclaim the calumnious charge of our own opponents that we require a religious test to qualify native born citizens to hold office or enjoy the full rights of citizenship.American Convention (рус.) // The South-Western. — Shreveport, Louisiana, 1855. — 5 сентября. Архивировано 21 октября 2020 года.
John David Bladek, «'Virginia Is Middle Ground': The Know Nothing Party and the Virginia Gubernatorial Election of 1855.» Virginia Magazine of History and Biography(1998), pp. 35-70 onlineАрхивная копия от 8 марта 2021 на Wayback Machine p. 45.
Philip Morrison Rice, «The Know-Nothing Party in Virginia, 1854—1856.» Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1947) 55#1: 61-75, at p. 66 onlineАрхивная копия от 8 марта 2021 на Wayback Machine.
That while we resist all encroachments of spiritual power upon our political rights, we disclaim the calumnious charge of our own opponents that we require a religious test to qualify native born citizens to hold office or enjoy the full rights of citizenship.American Convention (рус.) // The South-Western. — Shreveport, Louisiana, 1855. — 5 сентября. Архивировано 21 октября 2020 года.
Bouligny, John Edward.Feb. 5, 1861: Secession of Louisiana. Speech in the House of Representatives (Washington, D.C.) (неопр.) (5 февраля 1861). Дата обращения: 23 января 2017. Архивировано из оригинала 2 февраля 2017 года.