Evan Danaher.Life in PostScript(англ.). — Игра «Жизнь» на языке PostScript (GPL). — «англ.I learned that Postscript is a real language, not just for graphics. So I spent a bit of time learning it, and wanted to do something interesting in it. So of course, the obvious choice was John Conway's game of life.». Дата обращения: 9 апреля 2012. Архивировано 15 мая 2012 года.
Evan Danaher.Life in PostScript(англ.). — Игра «Жизнь» на языке PostScript (GPL). — «англ.I learned that Postscript is a real language, not just for graphics. So I spent a bit of time learning it, and wanted to do something interesting in it. So of course, the obvious choice was John Conway's game of life.». Дата обращения: 9 апреля 2012. Архивировано 15 мая 2012 года.