About Our Sponsors(англ.). CopyleftConf 2019. Software Freedom Conservancy. Дата обращения: 23 августа 2020. Архивировано 18 сентября 2019 года.
About Our Sponsors(англ.). CopyleftConf 2020. Software Freedom Conservancy. Дата обращения: 23 августа 2020. Архивировано 8 октября 2020 года.
Landley, Rob.The ongoing fight against GPL enforcement(англ.). landley.livejournal.com (31 января 2012). — «THIS is why I'm trying to stop busybox from being used as a bludgeon against the world at large. The SFLC sued an awful lot of companies that never got source from their upstream vendor, and COULDN'T do so five years later». Дата обращения: 17 февраля 2016. Архивировано 9 марта 2016 года.
Garrett: The ongoing fight against GPL enforcement(англ.). LWN.net (31 января 2012). — «As the ex-maintainer of busybox who STARTED those lawsuits in the first place and now HUGELY REGRETS ever having done so, I think I'm entitled to stop the lawsuits in whatever way I see fit. They never resulted in a single line of code added to the busybox repository. They HAVE resulted in more than one company exiting Linux development entirely and switching to non-Linux operating systems for their embedded products, and they're a big part of the reason behind Android's "No GPL in userspace" policy.». Дата обращения: 17 февраля 2016. Архивировано 7 января 2016 года.
Garrett: The ongoing fight against GPL enforcement(англ.). LWN.net (31 января 2012). — «As the ex-maintainer of busybox who STARTED those lawsuits in the first place and now HUGELY REGRETS ever having done so, I think I'm entitled to stop the lawsuits in whatever way I see fit. They never resulted in a single line of code added to the busybox repository. They HAVE resulted in more than one company exiting Linux development entirely and switching to non-Linux operating systems for their embedded products, and they're a big part of the reason behind Android's "No GPL in userspace" policy.». Дата обращения: 17 февраля 2016. Архивировано 7 января 2016 года.
Landley, Rob.The ongoing fight against GPL enforcement(англ.). landley.livejournal.com (31 января 2012). — «THIS is why I'm trying to stop busybox from being used as a bludgeon against the world at large. The SFLC sued an awful lot of companies that never got source from their upstream vendor, and COULDN'T do so five years later». Дата обращения: 17 февраля 2016. Архивировано 9 марта 2016 года.