Аналитическая геометрия (Russian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Аналитическая геометрия" in Russian language version.

Global rank Russian rank
low place
low place
6th place
9th place




  • Stillwell, John.[англ.]. Analytic Geometry // Mathematics and its History. — Second Edition. — Springer Science + Business Media Inc., 2004. — С. 105. — ISBN 0-387-95336-1.. — «the two founders of analytic geometry, Fermat and Descartes, were both strongly influenced by these developments.».
  • Cooke, Roger.[англ.]. The Calculus // The History of Mathematics: A Brief Course (англ.). — Wiley-Interscience, 1997. — P. 326. — ISBN 0-471-18082-3.. — «The person who is popularly credited with being the discoverer of analytic geometry was the philosopher René Descartes (1596–1650), one of the most influential thinkers of the modern era.».