During the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century in Tabriz, the political and cultural capital of medieval Persia, a remarkable congregation of Sufi poets assembled whose society, fellowship, and fraternity in Sufism, made them all members of one literary movement in Persian poetry, known as the 'School ofTabriz'1. (прим. 1 The poets who belonged to this school include Mahmud Shabestari (d. 1339), Mohammad Shirin Maghrebi (d. 1408), Mohammad 'Assar Tabrizi (d. 1390), Kamal Khojandi (d. 1400), Qasem Anwar Tabrizi (d. 1433), Salman Savaji (d.1376), Homam Tabrizi (d. 1314), Mohammad Lahiji ('Asiri', d. 1506), Shah Ne'matollah (d. 1430), and Shah Da'i Shirazi (d. 1466).