"Q: Representative Weldon, this morning, gave an estimate of the cost to the Pentagon of about $80 million dollars to train the Haitian police force. Does that sound like an on-the-mark estimate? A: I'd have - the original numbers that I saw were about $35 million dollars to train about 6,000 to 7,000 HNP - Haitian National Police - both in terms of providing equipment and training, etceteras. So, that number sounds a little high to me. I'd have to do some research. But, the original numbers that I saw are about $35 million" Transcript : DoD News Briefing : Gen. John J. Sheehan, USMC, CINC - U.S. Atlantic CommandАрхивная копия от 29 ноября 2014 на Wayback Machine // официальный сайт министерства обороны США от 27 февраля 1996
"Multinational troops in Haiti will assist national police in maintaining the peace and to disarm citizens bearing arms illegally, the U.S. officer in charge of the nine-day-old operation said here today." Gerry J. Gilmore. Multinational Force to Help Haitian Police Disarm PopulaceАрхивная копия от 29 ноября 2014 на Wayback Machine // официальный сайт министерства обороны США от 10 марта 2004
""Confiscating illegal weapons is part of the security and stability mission. If we see weapons carried openly or being used in a threatening manner, we confiscate them and turn them over to the Haitian National Police" Jim Garamone. Powell Visit Haiti, Says U.N. Action Averted 'Bloodbath'Архивная копия от 29 ноября 2014 на Wayback Machine // официальный сайт министерства обороны США от 6 апреля 2004
"Q: Representative Weldon, this morning, gave an estimate of the cost to the Pentagon of about $80 million dollars to train the Haitian police force. Does that sound like an on-the-mark estimate? A: I'd have - the original numbers that I saw were about $35 million dollars to train about 6,000 to 7,000 HNP - Haitian National Police - both in terms of providing equipment and training, etceteras. So, that number sounds a little high to me. I'd have to do some research. But, the original numbers that I saw are about $35 million" Transcript : DoD News Briefing : Gen. John J. Sheehan, USMC, CINC - U.S. Atlantic CommandАрхивная копия от 29 ноября 2014 на Wayback Machine // официальный сайт министерства обороны США от 27 февраля 1996
"Multinational troops in Haiti will assist national police in maintaining the peace and to disarm citizens bearing arms illegally, the U.S. officer in charge of the nine-day-old operation said here today." Gerry J. Gilmore. Multinational Force to Help Haitian Police Disarm PopulaceАрхивная копия от 29 ноября 2014 на Wayback Machine // официальный сайт министерства обороны США от 10 марта 2004
""Confiscating illegal weapons is part of the security and stability mission. If we see weapons carried openly or being used in a threatening manner, we confiscate them and turn them over to the Haitian National Police" Jim Garamone. Powell Visit Haiti, Says U.N. Action Averted 'Bloodbath'Архивная копия от 29 ноября 2014 на Wayback Machine // официальный сайт министерства обороны США от 6 апреля 2004