Dehghan, Saeed KamaliRouhanicare: Iran's president promises healthcare for all by 2018(англ.). The Guardian (6 февраля 2014). — «… IRIB is independent of the Iranian government and its head is appointed directly by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It is the only legal TV and radio broadcaster inside the country but millions of Iranians watch foreign-based channels via illegal satellite dishes on rooftops. …» Дата обращения: 27 июня 2017. Архивировано 6 августа 2020 года.
Dehghan, Saeed KamaliRouhanicare: Iran's president promises healthcare for all by 2018(англ.). The Guardian (6 февраля 2014). — «… IRIB is independent of the Iranian government and its head is appointed directly by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It is the only legal TV and radio broadcaster inside the country but millions of Iranians watch foreign-based channels via illegal satellite dishes on rooftops. …» Дата обращения: 27 июня 2017. Архивировано 6 августа 2020 года.