Rosenberg M. L.Restoring the erotic to a Verdi classic(англ.). Newsday (2 апреля 2004). — «Some encomiasts claim that soprano Maria Callas did as much for Italian opera as Arturo Toscanini or Verdi. Musicologist Philip Gossett arguably has done as much for Italian opera as any of those geniuses». Дата обращения: 20 января 2018. Архивировано 21 января 2018 года.
Driscoll.Grandissimo Maestro : [англ.] : [арх. 29 января 2018] // Opera News. — 2010. — February. — P. 20. — Even the critics did not realize that some words they were used to hearing didn’t make any sense. For example, the critical edition with Gossett revealed many important things, such as when the Duke goes in the taverna…and asks for „Una stanza e del vino“ („a room and some wine“) [….] but nobody realized that these are not the words that Verdi wrote. Verdi wrote, „Tua sorella e del vino“ — „I want your sister and some wine“. Muti continues to explain that Rigoletto’s comment to Gilda (in which he says „that’s just like him“, meaning that the request is typical of his behaviour) which follows the Duke’s remark, makes no sense without the word „sister“ being included..
U. of C. musicologist gets 'surprise' $1.5 mil. award (неопр.). Chicago Sun-Times. (on (19 декабря 2004). — «If you were going to be a serious musicologist, you had to study Beethoven or Bach or Gregorian chants, but Rossini — that was a pretty funny idea». Дата обращения: 20 января 2018. Архивировано 12 октября 2008 года.
Rosenberg M. L.Restoring the erotic to a Verdi classic(англ.). Newsday (2 апреля 2004). — «Some encomiasts claim that soprano Maria Callas did as much for Italian opera as Arturo Toscanini or Verdi. Musicologist Philip Gossett arguably has done as much for Italian opera as any of those geniuses». Дата обращения: 20 января 2018. Архивировано 21 января 2018 года.
U. of C. musicologist gets 'surprise' $1.5 mil. award (неопр.). Chicago Sun-Times. (on (19 декабря 2004). — «If you were going to be a serious musicologist, you had to study Beethoven or Bach or Gregorian chants, but Rossini — that was a pretty funny idea». Дата обращения: 20 января 2018. Архивировано 12 октября 2008 года.
Clurman J.Meet Philip Gossett (неопр.). The Juilliard Journal Online. (on (март 2004). Архивировано из оригинала 3 мая 2004 года.
Driscoll.Grandissimo Maestro : [англ.] : [арх. 29 января 2018] // Opera News. — 2010. — February. — P. 20. — Even the critics did not realize that some words they were used to hearing didn’t make any sense. For example, the critical edition with Gossett revealed many important things, such as when the Duke goes in the taverna…and asks for „Una stanza e del vino“ („a room and some wine“) [….] but nobody realized that these are not the words that Verdi wrote. Verdi wrote, „Tua sorella e del vino“ — „I want your sister and some wine“. Muti continues to explain that Rigoletto’s comment to Gilda (in which he says „that’s just like him“, meaning that the request is typical of his behaviour) which follows the Duke’s remark, makes no sense without the word „sister“ being included..