Secrets of Scientology: The E-MeterАрхивная копия от 3 сентября 2013 на Wayback Machine REFERENCE: Stephen Barrett, MD, and William Jarvis, PhD (editors), "The Health Robbers", Prometheus Books, Buffalo NY (1993). Chapter 23, "The Gadgeteers", by Wallace Janssen, pp. 321-335.
E-METER AND SCIENTOLOGY/DIANETICS LITERATURE: LEGAL REQUIREMENTS (US) ORDER OF United States District Court for the District of Columbia, No. D.C. 1-63. September 29, 1971, as amended by ORDER OF the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia,No. 71-2064, March 1, 1973.
Secrets of Scientology: The E-MeterАрхивная копия от 3 сентября 2013 на Wayback Machine REFERENCE: Stephen Barrett, MD, and William Jarvis, PhD (editors), "The Health Robbers", Prometheus Books, Buffalo NY (1993). Chapter 23, "The Gadgeteers", by Wallace Janssen, pp. 321-335.
"The Genesis of the Wheatstone Bridge" by Stig Ekelof discusses Christie's[англ.] and Wheatstone's contributions, and why the bridge carries Wheatstone's name. // "Engineering Science and Education Journal". — Vol. 10. — № 1. — February 2001. — P. 37–40.