Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Европейский комиссар по вопросам юстиции" in Russian language version.
A commissioner for security and internal affairs will also be created out of the current Commission portfolio, which covers justice, freedom and security, Barroso said. He said that the creation of two posts out of the existing portfolio mirrors the situation in many member states.
The new directorate-general for justice will have three directorates, or sub-divisions: civil justice, criminal justice, and fundamental rights and citizenship. The latter will retain the lead on drugs policy and data protection.
The reorganisation of the Commission's directorate-general for employment, social affairs and equal opportunities has seen one directorate, the officials that are working on equal opportunities, reassigned to the directorate-general for justice, which comes under the ambit of Reding, the European commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship.
При этом в Еврокомиссии вводятся новые „портфели" — еврокомиссаров по действиям в защиту климата; внутренним делам; юстиции, фундаментальным правам и гражданству; образованию, мультилингвизму и по делам молодежи; здравоохранению и потребительским правам; промышленности и предпринимательству; исследованиям и инновации; международному сотрудничеству, гуманитарной помощи и кризисному реагированию; занятости, социальным делам и вовлечения людей в жизнь общества; по развитию цифрового общества.
При этом в Еврокомиссии вводятся новые „портфели" — еврокомиссаров по действиям в защиту климата; внутренним делам; юстиции, фундаментальным правам и гражданству; образованию, мультилингвизму и по делам молодежи; здравоохранению и потребительским правам; промышленности и предпринимательству; исследованиям и инновации; международному сотрудничеству, гуманитарной помощи и кризисному реагированию; занятости, социальным делам и вовлечения людей в жизнь общества; по развитию цифрового общества.
A commissioner for security and internal affairs will also be created out of the current Commission portfolio, which covers justice, freedom and security, Barroso said. He said that the creation of two posts out of the existing portfolio mirrors the situation in many member states.
The new directorate-general for justice will have three directorates, or sub-divisions: civil justice, criminal justice, and fundamental rights and citizenship. The latter will retain the lead on drugs policy and data protection.
The reorganisation of the Commission's directorate-general for employment, social affairs and equal opportunities has seen one directorate, the officials that are working on equal opportunities, reassigned to the directorate-general for justice, which comes under the ambit of Reding, the European commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship.