Землетрясение в Греции (365) (Russian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Землетрясение в Греции (365)" in Russian language version.

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167th place
275th place
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6th place
9th place
774th place
875th place




  • Stiros, 2001, p. 544. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, p. 546, fig. 1. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, p. 545. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, pp. 558—560, app. B. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, pp. 557f., app. A. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, pp. 545f.. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, pp. 547 & 557f.. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, p. 553. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8
  • Stiros, 2001, pp. 549 & 557. Stiros, Stathis C. (2001), "The AD 365 Crete Earthquake and Possible Seismic Clustering During the Fourth to Sixth Centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Historical and Archaeological Data", Journal of Structural Geology, 23: 545—562, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(00)00118-8










