Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ингилойцы" in Russian language version.
...в селе Алиабад Закатальского района республики Азербайджан, после того, как обычно в 10 утра началось молитвенное собрание баптистской общины в количестве 30 взрослых и нескольких детей...
Shabanov's church – one of three Baptist congregations in the village of Aliabad, two of which are members of the Azerbaijani Baptist Union...
...majority of Aliabad's 10,000 inhabitants – are members of the Ingilo minority, ethnic Georgians who were converted to Islam several centuries ago. Most retain their Muslim faith with varying degrees of observance. The village mosque remains the only registered religious community, as the three existing Baptist communities do not have registration...
...а также три диалекта за пределами страны — ингилойский (Азербайджан), ферейданский (Иран), имерхевский (Турция).
Shabanov's church – one of three Baptist congregations in the village of Aliabad, two of which are members of the Azerbaijani Baptist Union...
...majority of Aliabad's 10,000 inhabitants – are members of the Ingilo minority, ethnic Georgians who were converted to Islam several centuries ago. Most retain their Muslim faith with varying degrees of observance. The village mosque remains the only registered religious community, as the three existing Baptist communities do not have registration...
...а также три диалекта за пределами страны — ингилойский (Азербайджан), ферейданский (Иран), имерхевский (Турция).