Цитата из Accident Investigation Final ReportАрхивная копия от 12 июля 2019 на Wayback Machine, страница 7: TSC236 was planned to depart CYYZ at 00:10 UTC1, with 47.9 metric tons of fuel, which included a 5.5 tons over and above the fuel required by regulations for the planned flight; the actual take-off time was at 00:52 with a reported 46.9 tons of fuel on board
Цитата из Accident Investigation Final ReportАрхивная копия от 12 июля 2019 на Wayback Machine, страница 7: TSC236 was planned to depart CYYZ at 00:10 UTC1, with 47.9 metric tons of fuel, which included a 5.5 tons over and above the fuel required by regulations for the planned flight; the actual take-off time was at 00:52 with a reported 46.9 tons of fuel on board