Alexander Kudlash, Svetlana Vorobyova, Anatoly Lesnikovich.Study of the structure and magnetic properties of nanodispersed nickel
particles obtained by interphase synthesis // 5th International Conference, October 16th - 18th 2013. — NanoCon. — Brno, Czech Republic, EU, 2013. Архивировано 3 сентября 2014 года.
Alexander Kudlash, Svetlana Vorobyova, Anatoly Lesnikovich.Study of the structure and magnetic properties of nanodispersed nickel
particles obtained by interphase synthesis // 5th International Conference, October 16th - 18th 2013. — NanoCon. — Brno, Czech Republic, EU, 2013. Архивировано 3 сентября 2014 года.