Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Позитивная дезинтеграция" in Russian language version.
Sensitive persons can certainly have mood disorders, but should not be mistaken for being chronically depressed only because of a pessimistic view of the future of the world or of their own abilities (a pessimism which may well be accurate, as in the case of depressive realism). Likewise, they do not have an anxiety disorder merely because they worry more than the nonsensitive, and they do not have a personality disorder (avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, etc.) merely because their unusualness has been present throughout their lives as an impediment to the cheerful, resilient functioning expected of most people most of the time.... They cannot shut out the world's achingly subtle, fleeting beauty or its inexplicable cruelty and suffering. They must find their own meaning in it.