McDermott.Brothers Disunited: Russia's Use of Military Power in Ukraine. — P. 14. — «Intelligence gathered in Kyiv and the use of Russian intelligence in Crimea not only afforded Moscow a clearer insight into the capacity of the Ukrainian state to respond, but was also an important element locally in preparing the potential battleield, with FSB, SVR and GRU involved in stirring up local protests, hiding among the population and conducting reconnaissance and subversive operations.».Архивная копия от 2 ноября 2015 на Wayback Machine
McDermott.Brothers Disunited: Russia's Use of Military Power in Ukraine. — P. 14. — «Intelligence gathered in Kyiv and the use of Russian intelligence in Crimea not only afforded Moscow a clearer insight into the capacity of the Ukrainian state to respond, but was also an important element locally in preparing the potential battleield, with FSB, SVR and GRU involved in stirring up local protests, hiding among the population and conducting reconnaissance and subversive operations.».Архивная копия от 2 ноября 2015 на Wayback Machine