Robert S. Runkle.The Design of the Biohazard Symbol // “Safety by Design” A 33-year Legacy: The NIH Laboratory Safety Monograph. National Institutes of Health. — 2011. Архивировано 7 августа 2019 года.
This symbol is included in ISO 21482:2007. ISO International Standards are protected by copyright and may be purchased from ISO or its members (please visit for more information). ISO has not reviewed the accuracy or veracity of this information.New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers (неопр.). Дата обращения: 15 февраля 2007. Архивировано 13 марта 2012 года.
Robert S. Runkle.The Design of the Biohazard Symbol // “Safety by Design” A 33-year Legacy: The NIH Laboratory Safety Monograph. National Institutes of Health. — 2011. Архивировано 7 августа 2019 года.
This symbol is included in ISO 21482:2007. ISO International Standards are protected by copyright and may be purchased from ISO or its members (please visit for more information). ISO has not reviewed the accuracy or veracity of this information.New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers (неопр.). Дата обращения: 15 февраля 2007. Архивировано 13 марта 2012 года.