Структурированная вода (Russian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Структурированная вода" in Russian language version.

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234th place
157th place
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7,795th place
61st place
116th place
8,783rd place
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2,764th place
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610th place
575th place
24th place
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222nd place
204th place
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low place
6,028th place
466th place
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5,049th place
469th place
36th place
low place
1,299th place




  • P. Ball, Here lies one whose name is writ in water. Архивная копия от 18 января 2019 на Wayback Machine // Nature. 8 August 2007, doi:10.1038/news070806-6.
  • Г. Р. Иваницкий, А. А. Деев, Е. П. Хижняк. Может ли существовать долговременная структурно-динамическая память воды? // Успехи физических наук. — Российская академия наук, 2014. — Т. 184, № 1. — С. 43—74. — doi:10.3367/UFNr.0184.201401b.0043.
  • L. Rey, Thermoluminescence of ultra-high dilutions of lithium chloride and sodium chloride, Physica A 323, 2003, pp. 67-74. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(03)00047-5
  • F. N. Keutsch and R. J. Saykally, Water clusters: Untangling the mysteries of the liquid, one molecule at a time, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98 (2001) 10533-10540. doi:10.1073/pnas.191266498
  • Smith J. D. et al. (2005) Unified Description of Temperature-Dependent Hydrogen Bond Rearrangements in Liquid Water, PNAS, Vol. 102, № 40, pp. 14171-14174. doi:10.1073/pnas.0506899102
  • Fowler, P. W., Quinn, C. M., Redmond, D. B. (1991) Decorated fullerenes and model structures for water clusters, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 95, No 10, p. 7678. doi:10.1063/1.461341
  • Sykes, М. (2007) Simulations of RNA Base Pairs in a Nanodroplet Reveal Solvation-Dependent Stability, PNAS, Vol. 104, № 30, pp. 12336-12340. doi:10.1073/pnas.0705573104
  • Loboda, O, Goncharuk, V. (2010) Theoretical Study on Icosahedral Water Clusters, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 484, № 4-6, pp. 144—147. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2009.11.025
  • Tokmachev, A.M., Tchougreeff, A.L., Dronskowski, R. (2010) Hydrogen-Bond Networks in Water Clusters (H2O)20: An Exhaustive Quantum-Chemical Analysis, European Journal of Chemical Physics And Physical Chemistry, Vol. 11, № 2, pp. 384—388. doi:10.1002/cphc.200900770
  • Elton, D. C. & Fernández-Serra, M. The hydrogen-bond network of water supports propagating optical phonon-like modes. // Nature Commun. 7:10193 doi:10.1038/ncomms10193 (2016) Архивная копия от 6 февраля 2016 на Wayback Machine.

    "The local structure of liquid water as a function of temperature is a source of intense research. This structure is intimately linked to the dynamics of water molecules, which can be measured using Raman and infrared spectroscopies. The assignment of spectral peaks depends on whether they are collective modes or single-molecule motions. Vibrational modes in liquids are usually considered to be associated to the motions of single molecules or small clusters. Using molecular dynamics simulations, here we find dispersive optical phonon-like modes in the librational and OH-stretching bands. We argue that on subpicosecond time scales these modes propagate through water’s hydrogen-bond network over distances of up to 2 nm. In the long wavelength limit these optical modes exhibit longitudinal-transverse splitting, indicating the presence of coherent long-range dipole-dipole interactions, as in ice. Our results indicate the dynamics of liquid water have more similarities to ice than previously thought…In this work, we have presented several lines of evidence for short-lived optical phonons that propagate along the H-bond network of water. The longitudinal and transverse nonlocal susceptibility exhibit dispersive peaks with dispersion relations resembling optical phonons. As the temperature is lowered, the resonance frequencies and LO-TO splittings of these modes converge towards the values for phonons in ice Ih. By comparing our results with a recent study of ice XI we believe both modes likely consist of coupled wagging and rocking librations…The large spatial range and coherent propagation of these modes is surprising and implies the existence of an extended hydrogen-bond network, in contrast to earlier ideas about the structure of water which emphasize dynamics as being confined within small clusters. Simulations with larger simulation boxes are needed to fully quantify the extent of the longitudinal modes. The ability of water to transmit phonon modes may be relevant to biophysics, where such modes could lead to dynamical coupling between biomolecules, a phenomena that is currently only being considered at much lower frequencies.

  • Montagnier, L., Aissa, J. Del Giudice, E., Lavallee, C. Tedeschi, A., G Vitiello, G., DNA Waves and Water, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2011; (306) 1:1-10. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/306/1/012007


  • E. Dayenas, F. Beauvais, J. Amara; et al. (30 June 1988). "Human basophil degranulization triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE". Nature. 333: 816—818. doi:10.1038/333816a0. PMID 2455231. {{cite journal}}: Явное указание et al. в: |author= (справка)Википедия:Обслуживание CS1 (множественные имена: authors list) (ссылка)







  • Сергеев, А. Г. Синекдоха отвечания, или Защита гомеопатическая : [арх. 24 ноября 2019] // В защиту науки. — 2017. — № 19. — С. 90.

    …существуют десятки настоящих лженаук, таких как астрология и хиромантия, экстрасенсорика и парапсихология, криптобиология и биоэнергетика, биорезонанс и иридодиагностика, креационизм и телегония, уфология и палеоастронавтика, эниология и дианетика, нумерология и соционика, физиогномика и графология, информациология и универсология, лозоходство и контактерство, дерматоглифическое тестирование и геопатогенные зоны, геополитика и лунный заговор, теории эфира и торсионных полей, памяти воды и волновой генетики



  • P. Ball, Here lies one whose name is writ in water. Архивная копия от 18 января 2019 на Wayback Machine // Nature. 8 August 2007, doi:10.1038/news070806-6.
  • Access : When to believe the unbelievable : Nature. Дата обращения: 29 августа 2008. Архивировано 11 мая 2009 года.
  • Elton, D. C. & Fernández-Serra, M. The hydrogen-bond network of water supports propagating optical phonon-like modes. // Nature Commun. 7:10193 doi:10.1038/ncomms10193 (2016) Архивная копия от 6 февраля 2016 на Wayback Machine.

    "The local structure of liquid water as a function of temperature is a source of intense research. This structure is intimately linked to the dynamics of water molecules, which can be measured using Raman and infrared spectroscopies. The assignment of spectral peaks depends on whether they are collective modes or single-molecule motions. Vibrational modes in liquids are usually considered to be associated to the motions of single molecules or small clusters. Using molecular dynamics simulations, here we find dispersive optical phonon-like modes in the librational and OH-stretching bands. We argue that on subpicosecond time scales these modes propagate through water’s hydrogen-bond network over distances of up to 2 nm. In the long wavelength limit these optical modes exhibit longitudinal-transverse splitting, indicating the presence of coherent long-range dipole-dipole interactions, as in ice. Our results indicate the dynamics of liquid water have more similarities to ice than previously thought…In this work, we have presented several lines of evidence for short-lived optical phonons that propagate along the H-bond network of water. The longitudinal and transverse nonlocal susceptibility exhibit dispersive peaks with dispersion relations resembling optical phonons. As the temperature is lowered, the resonance frequencies and LO-TO splittings of these modes converge towards the values for phonons in ice Ih. By comparing our results with a recent study of ice XI we believe both modes likely consist of coupled wagging and rocking librations…The large spatial range and coherent propagation of these modes is surprising and implies the existence of an extended hydrogen-bond network, in contrast to earlier ideas about the structure of water which emphasize dynamics as being confined within small clusters. Simulations with larger simulation boxes are needed to fully quantify the extent of the longitudinal modes. The ability of water to transmit phonon modes may be relevant to biophysics, where such modes could lead to dynamical coupling between biomolecules, a phenomena that is currently only being considered at much lower frequencies.



  • E. Dayenas, F. Beauvais, J. Amara; et al. (30 June 1988). "Human basophil degranulization triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE". Nature. 333: 816—818. doi:10.1038/333816a0. PMID 2455231. {{cite journal}}: Явное указание et al. в: |author= (справка)Википедия:Обслуживание CS1 (множественные имена: authors list) (ссылка)








