Сюни (династия) (Russian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Сюни (династия)" in Russian language version.

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1st place
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1,719th place
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2,040th place
358th place
588th place
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10th place
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26th place
145th place
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435th place
8,746th place
843rd place
613th place
1,402nd place
27th place
4th place
low place
low place
low place
2,182nd place
40th place
37th place
1,547th place
1,014th place


  • V. Minorsky. Studies in Caucasian History. — CUP Archive, 1953. — С. 69.
  • Mark Whittow. The making of Byzantium, 600-1025. — University of California Press, 1996. — С. 202.:

    During the early middle ages there seem to have been just over a hundred naxarar houses in Armenia, of whom perhaps fifty were of some importance, and five or six — the Artsruni, the Bagratuni, the Rstuni, the Mamikoneans, the Kamsarakan, and possibly the princes of Siwnik — were at various periods convincing candidates to establish some form of wider hegemony over Armenia.

  • V. Minorsky. Studies in Caucasian History. — CUP Archive, 1953. — С. 69—70.:

    By the beginning of the 10th century the family domains were divided into two principalities: Smbat took the western part consisting of Vayots'-dzor and Shahaponk', and his brother the eastern part, namely Balk' down to the river Akera.

  • V. Minorsky. Studies in Caucasian History. — CUP Archive, 1953. — С. 51.





  • Armenia — статья из Британской энциклопедии:

    The Byzantine conquest was short-lived: in 1048 Toghrïl Beg led the first Seljuq raid into Armenia, in 1064 Ani and Kars fell to Toghrïl’s nephew and heir Alp-Arslan, and after the Battle of Manzikert (1071) most of the country was in Turkish hands. In 1072 the Kurdish Shāddādids received Ani as a fief. A few native Armenian rulers survived for a time in the Kiurikian kingdom of Lori, the Siuniqian kingdom of Baghq or Kapan, and the principates of Khachen (Artzakh) and Sasun.



  • Nicholas Holding, Deirdre Holding. Armenia with Nagorno Karabagh. — 3-е изд. — Bradt Travel Guides, 2011. — Т. 3. — С. 256. Архивировано 5 марта 2014 года.

    On the north facade are also representations of the founders of the church — Prince Ashot, his wife Shushan, Grigor Supan, the ruler of Gegharkunik, and Prince Dzagik.

  • A. E. Redgate. The Armenians. — Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. — С. 208.:

    Vayotsc-dzor and other lands passed from Vasak Ishkhanik to his brother Ashot and then to Vasak’s son as co-heir with Ashot’s four sons

  • V. Minorsky. Studies in Caucasian History. — CUP Archive, 1953. — P. 72. Архивировано 10 августа 2017 года.


  • Армения в III—IV вв. // Всемирная история / Под редакцией С. Л. Утченко (ответственный редактор), Д. П. Каллистова, А. И. Павловская, В. В. Струве. — М.: Гос. изд.-во полит. лит-ры, 1956. — Т. 2. — С. 761—770.:

    Уже при первых Аршакидах начинается наступление знати на земли крестьянских общин, а также на царские земли. К IV в. значительная часть царских земель перешла в руки нахараров и жречества, позднее — в руки церкви. Большая часть Армении распалась на наследственные княжества — нахарарства. Отдельным нахарарским родам были подчинены целые области с их населением. Таковы были роды Сюни, Мамиконян, Камсаракан, Аматуни и многие другие.


  • Avarayr — статья из Encyclopædia Iranica. R. Hewsen
  • Bagratids — статья из Encyclopædia IranicaC. Toumanoff:

    Within less than a century after the disaster of 775, they regained and increased their political importance, and then reigned over a powerful and consolidated west-central Armenian state. Since this disaster had ruined and weakened many princely houses, which were reduced to dependence on a few others, the might of those few who had survived the ruin was vastly increased. Armenia thus came to be divided into only just three big political formations: the Arcrunid state in the south, the Siunid state in the east, and the Bagratid state which proved the most successful. Cautiously maneuvering, as they had always done, between, on the one hand, the caliphate, which was on the decline now and breaking up into a number of succession states, and, on the other, the empire, which was concentrating upon a struggle with these, the Bagratids monopolized the office of presiding prince and then, in 884, converted it into kingship. Recognition was easily obtained from caliph and emperor.


  • Michael E. Stone. Sinai Armenian Inscriptions // The Biblical Archaeologist. — 1982. — Т. 45. — С. 31.

    Certain of the names can be identified on other grounds as most at home in Armenian noble houses, particularly the house of Siwnik'.



  • Mark Whittow. The making of Byzantium, 600-1025. — University of California Press, 1996. — С. 202.:

    During the early middle ages there seem to have been just over a hundred naxarar houses in Armenia, of whom perhaps fifty were of some importance, and five or six — the Artsruni, the Bagratuni, the Rstuni, the Mamikoneans, the Kamsarakan, and possibly the princes of Siwnik — were at various periods convincing candidates to establish some form of wider hegemony over Armenia.



  • Andrew C. S. Peacock. Early Seljūq History: A New Interpretation // Routledge Studies in the History of Iran and Turkey. — Routledge, 2010. — Т. 7. — С. 113.:

    By the middle of the eleventh century, the sole Armenian principalities that maintained some sort of independence were Siunik' and Tashir in Caucasia and Sasun to the west of Lake Van.






  • Gilbert Dagron. Travaux et mémoires du Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance: Monographies // Travaux et mémoires. — De Boccard, 2000. — Т. 13. — С. 402.:

    Dans la seconde moitié du IXe siècle, ces deux parties du Siwnik' vécurent en paix et proches des Bagratuni; au Geiakuni, Vasak Gabur avait épousé une fille du futur roi ASot Ier, et leurs trois fils, Grigor Sup’an II, Sahak et Vasak


  • A. E. Redgate. The Armenians. — Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. — С. 208.:

    Vayotsc-dzor and other lands passed from Vasak Ishkhanik to his brother Ashot and then to Vasak’s son as co-heir with Ashot’s four sons

