Collins, Clark.Leatherface is back in first look at buzzy 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'(англ.). Entertainment Weekly (3 декабря 2021). — «When movies do that, sometimes it feels a bit disrespectful to all the other films. Some people love Texas Chainsaw 2. I love a lot of things about that movie — it's so wacky and of its time. But the rest is such a mess canon-wise. I think it's up to you to decide when and how the events of the other movies happen."». Дата обращения: 3 декабря 2021. Архивировано 11 января 2022 года.
Collins, Clark.Leatherface is back in first look at buzzy 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'(англ.). Entertainment Weekly (3 декабря 2021). — «When movies do that, sometimes it feels a bit disrespectful to all the other films. Some people love Texas Chainsaw 2. I love a lot of things about that movie — it's so wacky and of its time. But the rest is such a mess canon-wise. I think it's up to you to decide when and how the events of the other movies happen."». Дата обращения: 3 декабря 2021. Архивировано 11 января 2022 года.