Центр специальных операций ЦРУ (Russian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Центр специальных операций ЦРУ" in Russian language version.

Global rank Russian rank
1st place
1st place
6th place
9th place
9,052nd place
8,849th place
1,116th place
1,331st place
34th place
95th place
61st place
116th place
89th place
71st place
7th place
23rd place
3rd place
10th place







  • Prados, John. Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA : [англ.]. — Ivan R. Dee, 2006. — P. 11. — ISBN 9781615780112.



  • Jehl, Douglas (29 октября 2003). "Two C.I.A. Operatives Killed In an Ambush in Afghanistan". The New York Times. Дата обращения: 19 мая 2011. After (Chief) Carlson's death, he soon became a legend among his current peers from the same organizations. Very little has been documented, due to operational security requirements at such a high level, but what has been known by many who have studied his life was that he was possibly one of the most unique and memorable assets/operators with SAD (SOG), as well as when in Delta, or TF Green as they were last referred to. His awards, as one former Delta operator once quietly said, were not, and would never be, worthy of his heroism in the face of an overwhelming force during the time of the ambush and the past engagements and operations he has been a part of that have become milestones in history, from Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and up to his death. Rumors later surfaced that those responsible for killing the former SEAL and Chief were dealt with rapidly, but as with so many near mythical heroes in U.S. Special Operations (especially retiring Tier 1 operators), it remains a loss for the families who luckily have had some support from the SOF community, and foundations have been established.




  • Woodward, Bob (18 ноября 2001). "Secret CIA Units Playing Central Combat Role". Washington Post. Архивировано 14 мая 2011. Дата обращения: 20 апреля 2018.


  • Measuring Change at the CIA. foreignpolicy.com. Дата обращения: 15 января 2018. Архивировано 20 апреля 2019 года.
  • Woodward, Bob (18 ноября 2001). "Secret CIA Units Playing Central Combat Role". Washington Post. Архивировано 14 мая 2011. Дата обращения: 20 апреля 2018.
  • Waller, Douglas. The CIA's Secret Army: The CIA's Secret Army (3 февраля 2003). Дата обращения: 28 января 2018. Архивировано 27 апреля 2018 года.
  • CIA Remembers Employees Killed in the Line of Duty. CIA. Дата обращения: 19 мая 2011. Архивировано 24 мая 2011 года.