Шкала Занга для самооценки депрессии (Russian Wikipedia)

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  • Zung WW (1965) A self-rating depression scale. Archives of General Psychiatry 12: 63-70 PMID 14221692
  • Zung WW, Richards CB, Short MJ. Self-rating depression scale in an outpatient clinic. Further validation of the SDS. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1965 Dec;13(6):508-15 PMID 4378854
  • Biggs JT, Wilie LT, Ziegler VE: Validity of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Br J Psychiatry 1978; 132:381–38 PMID 638392
  • Gabrys JB, Peters K: Reliability, discriminant and predictive validity of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Psych Rep 1985; 57:1091–1096 PMID 4095223
  • Thunder S. Snow M. Honts C.R . The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale: convergent validity and diagnostic discrimination. Assesment 2002 Dec;9(4):401-5. PMID 12462760
  • Aragonès Benaiges E1, Masdèu Montalà RM, Cando Guasch G, Coll Borràs G. Diagnostic validity of Zung's self-rating depression scale on primary care patients Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2001 Sep-Oct;29(5):310-6. PMID 11602088
  • Kirkby, R; Al Saif, A; El-Din Mohamed, G (2005). "Validation of an Arabic translation of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale.". Annals of Saudi medicine 25 (3): 205–8. PMID 16119520
  • Chagas, Marcos Hortes Nisihara; Tumas, Vitor; Loureiro, Sonia Regina; Hallak, Jaime E.C.; Trzesniak, Clarissa; De Sousa, João Paulo Machado; Ricciopo Rodrigues, Guilherme Gustavo; Filho, Alaor Santos et al. (2010). Validity of a Brazilian version of the Zung self-rating depression scale for screening of depression in patients with Parkinson's disease Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 16: 42–45. PMID 1966097
  • Martinez KG; Guiot, HM; Casas-Dolz, I; González-Tejera, G; Colón De Martí, LN (2003). "Applicability of the Spanish Translation of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale in a general Puerto Rican population.". Puerto Rico health sciences journal 22 (2): 179–85. PMID 12866143
  • Mammadova F, Sultanov M, Hajiyeva A, Aichberger M, Heinz A. Translation and adaptation of the Zung Self- Rating Depression Scale for application in the bilingual Azerbaijani population Eur Psychiatry. 2012 Jun;27 Suppl 2:S27-31. doi: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)75705-X. PMID 22863247