Elsie, Robert. „Arshi Pipa”. Robert Elsie. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-01-09. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2012. »Writer and scholar, Arshi Pipa (1920-1997) ..studied philosophy...published... poetry«
Elsie, Robert. „Arshi Pipa”. Robert Elsie. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-01-09. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2012. »in Shkodra where he attended school until 1938. ..Pipa studied philosophy at the University of Florence, where he received the degree of "dottore in filosofia" in 1942.«
Books abroad. University of Oklahoma. 1971. str. 556. Pristupljeno 10. 1. 2012. »Arshi Pipa, an Albanian poet now living in the United States, is best known for his Libri i Burgut (The Prison Book), a collection of poems which were thought out, and in some cases actually written, during a long spell of political«
Kvanbeck, Martha (1997). „1997-98 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA (No. 1) UNIVERSITY SENATE MINUTES”. University of Minnesota. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-01-11. Pristupljeno 11. 1. 2012. »he taught at Georgetown, Columbia, and Berkeley before being appointed in 1966 to our University's Department of romance Languages«
Elsie, Robert. „Arshi Pipa”. Robert Elsie. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-01-09. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2012. »Writer and scholar, Arshi Pipa (1920-1997) ..studied philosophy...published... poetry«
Elsie, Robert. „Arshi Pipa”. Robert Elsie. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-01-09. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2012. »in Shkodra where he attended school until 1938. ..Pipa studied philosophy at the University of Florence, where he received the degree of "dottore in filosofia" in 1942.«
Kvanbeck, Martha (1997). „1997-98 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA (No. 1) UNIVERSITY SENATE MINUTES”. University of Minnesota. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-01-11. Pristupljeno 11. 1. 2012. »he taught at Georgetown, Columbia, and Berkeley before being appointed in 1966 to our University's Department of romance Languages«