"「彼所將中國人不過十五六萬,且已久疲;所得表眾亦極七八萬耳,尚懷狐疑。」" Zhou Yu only included two groups of Cao Cao's forces in his estimation: According to the head of the Social Sciences Department of Institute of Ethnology & Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Di Yongjun (邸永君), the phrase "中國人" were referring to the troops from the capital and surrounding area. See The origin of the word "中國" and look at the line "指天子直接統治地區,即京畿。如諸葛亮曾對吳主孫權雲:“若能以吳越之眾與中國抗衡,不如早與之絕”。", which quotes Zhuge Liang's speech intended to persuade Sun to battle Cao. The other group was the newly surrendered Chu region navy.