Hiperhidroza (Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hiperhidroza" in Serbo-Croatian language version.

Global rank Serbo-Croatian rank
4th place
3rd place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
2nd place
2nd place
14th place
30th place
8,430th place
1,482nd place
5,334th place
7,193rd place
4,489th place
2,959th place
222nd place
57th place
424th place
385th place
low place
low place


  • (en)New treatment guidelines urge improved diagnosis and greater awareness of treatment options for this common, debilitating condition, Filadelfija August 02, 2004 PR Newswire, Pristupljeno 7. novembar 2010




  • (en)Lewis P Stolman, Treatment of hyperhidrosis Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Oct, 2003,Abstract, Pristupljeno 8. novembar 2010




  • (de)Rapprich S, Hasche E, Pietschmann J, Hagedorn M (2003) Lokale operative Therapie der Hyperhidrosis axillaris. In: Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie 2004. Hrsg: Plewig G, Kaudewitz P, Sander CA; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer: 377-396 Abstract, Pristupljeno 8. novembar 2010





  • (en)Sato K, Kang WH, Saga K, Sato KT. Biology of sweat glands and their disorders II. Disorders of sweat gland function. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;20(5 Pt 1):713-26.Medline Abstract, Pristupljeno 29. 4. 2013.
  • (en)Haider, A; Solish N (January 2005). „Focal hyperhidrosis: diagnosis and management”. Canadian Medical Association Journal 172 (1): 69–75. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.1040708. PMC 543948. PMID 15632408. [mrtav link] Pristupljeno 7. novembar 2010
  • (en) Ro KM, Cantor RM, Lange KL, Ahn SS Palmar hyperhidrosis: evidence of genetic transmission. J Vasc Surg. 2002 Feb;35(2):382-6. Abstract PMID 11854739, Pristupljeno 7. novembar 2010
  • (en) Kaufmann H, Saadia D, Polin C, Hague S, Singleton A, Singleton A. Primary hyperhidrosis--evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance. Clin Auton Res. 2003 Apr;13(2):96-8. PMID 12720093 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE], Pristupljeno 7. novembar 2010
  • (en)Primary palmar hyperhidrosis locus maps to 14q11.2-q13. - Am J Med Genet A. 2006 Mar 15 ; 140(6):567-72. Pristupljeno 7. novembar 2010
  • Amir M, Arish A, Weinstein Y, Pfeffer M, Levy Y. Impairment in quality of life among patients seeking surgery for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating): preliminary results. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2000;37:25-31.Abstract
  • (en)Boni R. Generalized hyperhidrosis and its systemic treatment. Curr Probl Dermatol 2002;30:44-7. PubMed, Pristupljeno 21. novembar 2010
  • (en)Hornberger J, Grimes K, Naumann M, Glaser DA, Lowe NJ, Naver H, et al; Multi-Specialty Working Group on the Recognition, Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis. Recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of primary focal hyperhidrosis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2004;51:274-86. PubMed, Pristupljeno 21. novembar 2010
  • (en)Stolman LP. Treatment of hyperhidrosis. Dermatol Clin 1998;16:863-7. PubMed, Pristupljeno 21. novembar 2010
  • (en)Sato K, Kang WH, Saga KT. Biology of sweat glands and their disorders I. Normal sweat gland function. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;20(4):537-63. PubMed, Pristupljeno 21. novembar 2010
  • White JW Jr. Treatment of primary hyperhidrosis .Mayo Clin Proc. 1986 Dec;61(12):951-6. PMID 3095597 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE Abstract], Pristupljeno 8. novembar 2010
  • Lewis P Stolman, MD, FACP, FRCP(C) Hyperhidrosis Medical and Surgical Treatment Eplasty. 2008; 8: e22. Published online 2008 April 18. PubMed, Pristupljeno 8. novembar 2010
  • Tanja Schlereth, Dr. med., Marianne Dieterich, Prof. Dr. med., and Frank Birklein, Prof. Dr. med. Hyperhidrosis—Causes and Treatment of Enhanced Sweating Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2009 January; 106(3): 32–37. Published online 2009 January 16. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2009.0032. PubMed, Pristupljeno 8. novembar 2010






  • (en)Rompel R, Scholz S (2001) Subcutaneous curettage vs. injection of botulinum toxin A for treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 15: 207-211 Abstract-Onlinelibrary, Pristupljeno 8. novembar 2010