Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, et al. (September 2007). „2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension”. J. Hypertens.25 (9): 1751–62. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282f0580f. PMID17762635.
Williams B, Poulter NR, Brown MJ, et al. (March 2004). „Guidelines for management of hypertension: report of the fourth working party of the British Hypertension Society, 2004-BHS IV”. J Hum Hypertens18 (3): 139–85. DOI:10.1038/sj.jhh.1001683. PMID14973512.
Dionne JM, Abitbol CL, Flynn JT (January 2012). „Hypertension in infancy: diagnosis, management and outcome”. Pediatr. Nephrol.27 (1): 17–32. DOI:10.1007/s00467-010-1755-z. PMID21258818.
Din-Dzietham R, Liu Y, Bielo MV, Shamsa F (September 2007). „High blood pressure trends in children and adolescents in national surveys, 1963 to 2002”. Circulation116 (13): 1488–96. DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.683243. PMID17846287.
Lewington S, Clarke R, Qizilbash N, Peto R, Collins R (December 2002). „Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies”. Lancet360 (9349): 1903–13. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)11911-8. PMID12493255.
Singer DR, Kite A (June 2008). „Management of hypertension in peripheral arterial disease: does the choice of drugs matter?”. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery35 (6): 701–8. DOI:10.1016/j.ejvs.2008.01.007. PMID18375152.
Zeng C, Villar VA, Yu P, Zhou L, Jose PA (April 2009). „Reactive oxygen species and dopamine receptor function in essential hypertension”. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension31 (2): 156–78. DOI:10.1080/10641960802621283. PMID19330604.
Whelton PK, He J, Appel LJ, Cutler JA, Havas S, Kotchen TA et al. (2002). „Primary prevention of hypertension: Clinical and public health advisory from The National High Blood Pressure Education Program”. JAMA288 (15): 1882–8. DOI:10.1001/jama.288.15.1882. PMID12377087.
Chobanian AV (August 2007). „Clinical practice. Isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly”. N. Engl. J. Med.357 (8): 789–96. DOI:10.1056/NEJMcp071137. PMID17715411.
Marchesi C, Paradis P, Schiffrin EL (July 2008). „Role of the renin-angiotensin system in vascular inflammation”. Trends Pharmacol. Sci.29 (7): 367–74. DOI:10.1016/ PMID18579222.
Whelton PK et al. (2002). „Primary prevention of hypertension. Clinical and public health advisory from the National High Blood Pressure Education Program”. JAMA288 (15): 1882–1888. DOI:10.1001/jama.288.15.1882. PMID12377087.
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Aronow WS, Fleg JL, Pepine CJ, et al. (May 2011). „ACCF/AHA 2011 expert consensus document on hypertension in the elderly: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus documents developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology, American Geriatrics Society, American Society for Preventive Cardiology, American Society of Hypertension, American Society of Nephrology, Association of Black Cardiologists, and European Society of Hypertension”. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.57 (20): 2037–114. DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.01.008. PMID21524875.
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Kotchen TA (October 2011). „Historical trends and milestones in hypertension research: a model of the process of translational research”. Hypertension58 (4): 522–38. DOI:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.177766. PMID21859967.
Coca A (2008). „Economic benefits of treating high-risk hypertension with angiotensin II receptor antagonists (blockers)”. Clinical Drug Investigation28 (4): 211–20. DOI:10.2165/00044011-200828040-00002. PMID18345711.
Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, et al. (September 2007). „2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension”. J. Hypertens.25 (9): 1751–62. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282f0580f. PMID17762635.
Williams B, Poulter NR, Brown MJ, et al. (March 2004). „Guidelines for management of hypertension: report of the fourth working party of the British Hypertension Society, 2004-BHS IV”. J Hum Hypertens18 (3): 139–85. DOI:10.1038/sj.jhh.1001683. PMID14973512.
Dionne JM, Abitbol CL, Flynn JT (January 2012). „Hypertension in infancy: diagnosis, management and outcome”. Pediatr. Nephrol.27 (1): 17–32. DOI:10.1007/s00467-010-1755-z. PMID21258818.
Din-Dzietham R, Liu Y, Bielo MV, Shamsa F (September 2007). „High blood pressure trends in children and adolescents in national surveys, 1963 to 2002”. Circulation116 (13): 1488–96. DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.683243. PMID17846287.
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Siebenhofer, A; Jeitler, K, Berghold, A, Waltering, A, Hemkens, LG, Semlitsch, T, Pachler, C, Strametz, R, Horvath, K (2011-09-07). Siebenhofer, Andrea. ur. „Long-term effects of weight-reducing diets in hypertensive patients”. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)9: CD008274. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD008274.pub2. PMID21901719.
Blumenthal JA, Babyak MA, Hinderliter A i dr.. (January 2010). „Effects of the DASH diet alone and in combination with exercise and weight loss on blood pressure and cardiovascular biomarkers in men and women with high blood pressure: the ENCORE study”. Arch. Intern. Med.170 (2): 126–35. DOI:10.1001/archinternmed.2009.470. PMID20101007.
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Aronow WS, Fleg JL, Pepine CJ, et al. (May 2011). „ACCF/AHA 2011 expert consensus document on hypertension in the elderly: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus documents developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology, American Geriatrics Society, American Society for Preventive Cardiology, American Society of Hypertension, American Society of Nephrology, Association of Black Cardiologists, and European Society of Hypertension”. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.57 (20): 2037–114. DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.01.008. PMID21524875.
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Kotchen TA (October 2011). „Historical trends and milestones in hypertension research: a model of the process of translational research”. Hypertension58 (4): 522–38. DOI:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.177766. PMID21859967.
Coca A (2008). „Economic benefits of treating high-risk hypertension with angiotensin II receptor antagonists (blockers)”. Clinical Drug Investigation28 (4): 211–20. DOI:10.2165/00044011-200828040-00002. PMID18345711.