Wood and Richmond; Richmond, BG (2000). „Human evolution: taxonomy and paleobiology”. Journal of Anatomysvezak 197 (Pt 1): str. 19.–60.. DOI:10.1046/j.1469-7580.2000.19710019.x. PMC1468107. PMID10999270. str. 41.: "A recent reassessment of cladistic and functional evidence concluded that there are few, if any, grounds for retaining H. habilis in Homo, and recommended that the material be transferred (or, for some, returned) to Australopithecus (Wood & Collard, 1999)."
F. Spoor, M. G. Leakey, P. N. Gathogo, F. H. Brown, S. C. Antón, I. McDougall, C. Kiarie, F. K. Manthi & L. N. Leakey (2007-08-09). „Implications of new early Homo fossils from Ileret, east of Lake Turkana, Kenya”. Nature448 (broj 7154): str. 688.–691.. DOI:10.1038/nature05986. PMID17687323.
F. Spoor, M. G. Leakey, P. N. Gathogo, F. H. Brown, S. C. Antón, I. McDougall, C. Kiarie, F. K. Manthi & L. N. Leakey (2007-08-09). „Implications of new early Homo fossils from Ileret, east of Lake Turkana, Kenya”. Naturesvezak 448 (broj 7154): str. 688.–691.. DOI:10.1038/nature05986. PMID17687323. "A partial maxilla assigned to H. habilis reliably demonstrates that this species survived until later than previously recognized, making an anagenetic relationship with H. erectus unlikely" (Emphasis added).
Donald C. Johanson, Fidelis T. Masao, Gerald G. Eck, Tim D. White, Robert C. Walter, William H. Kimbel, Berhane Asfaw, Paul Manega, Prosper Ndessokia & Gen Suwa (21 May 1987). „New partial skeleton of Homo habilis from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania”. Naturesvezak 327 (broj 6119): str. 205.–209.. DOI:10.1038/327205a0. PMID3106831
Wood, Bernard (1987-05-21). „Who is the 'real' Homo habilis?”. Naturesvezak 327 (broj 6119): broj 187.–188.. DOI:10.1038/327187a0. PMID3106828
Wood and Richmond; Richmond, BG (2000). „Human evolution: taxonomy and paleobiology”. Journal of Anatomysvezak 197 (Pt 1): str. 19.–60.. DOI:10.1046/j.1469-7580.2000.19710019.x. PMC1468107. PMID10999270. str. 41.: "A recent reassessment of cladistic and functional evidence concluded that there are few, if any, grounds for retaining H. habilis in Homo, and recommended that the material be transferred (or, for some, returned) to Australopithecus (Wood & Collard, 1999)."
F. Spoor, M. G. Leakey, P. N. Gathogo, F. H. Brown, S. C. Antón, I. McDougall, C. Kiarie, F. K. Manthi & L. N. Leakey (2007-08-09). „Implications of new early Homo fossils from Ileret, east of Lake Turkana, Kenya”. Nature448 (broj 7154): str. 688.–691.. DOI:10.1038/nature05986. PMID17687323.
F. Spoor, M. G. Leakey, P. N. Gathogo, F. H. Brown, S. C. Antón, I. McDougall, C. Kiarie, F. K. Manthi & L. N. Leakey (2007-08-09). „Implications of new early Homo fossils from Ileret, east of Lake Turkana, Kenya”. Naturesvezak 448 (broj 7154): str. 688.–691.. DOI:10.1038/nature05986. PMID17687323. "A partial maxilla assigned to H. habilis reliably demonstrates that this species survived until later than previously recognized, making an anagenetic relationship with H. erectus unlikely" (Emphasis added).
Donald C. Johanson, Fidelis T. Masao, Gerald G. Eck, Tim D. White, Robert C. Walter, William H. Kimbel, Berhane Asfaw, Paul Manega, Prosper Ndessokia & Gen Suwa (21 May 1987). „New partial skeleton of Homo habilis from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania”. Naturesvezak 327 (broj 6119): str. 205.–209.. DOI:10.1038/327205a0. PMID3106831
Wood, Bernard (1987-05-21). „Who is the 'real' Homo habilis?”. Naturesvezak 327 (broj 6119): broj 187.–188.. DOI:10.1038/327187a0. PMID3106828
New York Times u članku Fossils in Kenya Challenge Linear Evolution objavljeno 9. kolovoza 2007. piše: "Scientists who dated and analyzed the specimens — a 1.44 million-year-old Homo habilis and a 1.55 million-year-old Homo erectus — said their findings challenged the conventional view that these species evolved one after the other. Instead, they apparently lived side by side in eastern Africa for almost half a million years."