Klein, F., Barry Sepekoff, Timothy J. Wolf. Sexual Orientation: a Multi-Variable Dynamic Process, in Klein, Fritz and Timothy J. Wolf, ed., 'Two Lives to Lead; Bisexuality in Men and Women', New York: Harrington Park Press, Inc., 1985, p. 38. (Also published as Bisexualities: Theory and Research, by Haworth Press, 1985.) The Klein Sexual Orientation GridArhivirano 2008-02-16 na Wayback Machine-u
Shvatila sam… ovaj grad – od svih gradova – bio je veoma homofobičan, iako bez homoseksualaca ne bi bilo Hollywooda, ne bi bilo show businessa." Liz’s AIDS Odyssey[mrtav link] na dameelizabethtaylor.com-u
Klein, F., Barry Sepekoff, Timothy J. Wolf. Sexual Orientation: a Multi-Variable Dynamic Process, in Klein, Fritz and Timothy J. Wolf, ed., 'Two Lives to Lead; Bisexuality in Men and Women', New York: Harrington Park Press, Inc., 1985, p. 38. (Also published as Bisexualities: Theory and Research, by Haworth Press, 1985.) The Klein Sexual Orientation GridArhivirano 2008-02-16 na Wayback Machine-u
ICD 10Svetske zdravstvene organizacije u delu F66 govori o tri seksualne orijentacije i navodi heteroseksualnost, homoseksualnost i biseksualnost vidi ovde (Poglavlje V (F00-F99), deo F60-F69)