Fernández, Belén (2021-07-29). „SOS: A plea for freedom from the media narrative on Cuba”. Al Jazeera. »The US corporate media as a whole have been less than serious in their coverage of recent events in Cuba – to the extent that many outlets have deceitfully published images of pro-government demonstrations cast as the opposite.«
Stanley K. Henshaw, Susheela Singh and Taylor Haas. „The Incidence of Abortion Worldwide”. International Family Planning Perspectives, 1999, 25(Supplement):S30 – S38. Pristupljeno May 11, 2006.
Naughtie, Andrew (13 July 2021). „Bernie Sanders says Cubans have 'right to live in democratic society'”. The Independent. Pristupljeno 19 July 2021. »The protests underway in Havana, Santiago and other Cuban cities have sprung up in response to a new spike in Covid-19 cases, the government's strict authoritarianism, and food and water shortages stemming from a deep economic crisis.«
„Protests in Cuba Stirred by the Hidden Hand of the United States”. The Progressive Magazine. 14. juli 2021. »Anti-Cuba propaganda is being pushed by the right, but the protests in Cuba are more of a condemnation of U.S. foreign policy than a reflection on the Cuban government.«
„499. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Mallory) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Rubottom)” (en). Foreign Relations of the United States. Washington: Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute - Državni sekretarijat SAD. 6 April 1960. Pristupljeno 13 May 2022. »Jedini predvidivi način otuđivanja unutrašnje podrške je razočarenje i nezadovoljstvo zasnovano na ekonomskom nezadovoljstvu i teškoćama. Ako se gore navedeno prihvati ili se ne može uspešno suprotstaviti, proizilazi da treba odmah preduzeti sva moguća sredstva da se oslabi ekonomski život Kube. Ako se takva politika usvoji, to bi trebalo da bude rezultat pozitivne odluke koja bi izazvala liniju delovanja koja, dok spretna i neupadljivija, čini najveće moguće prodore u uskraćivanju novca i snabdevanja Kubi, da se smanje monetarne i stvarne plate, da izazove glad, očaj i rušenje vlasti.«