Van Boeschoten, Riki (2012). „Politicised borders: the case of Greek Macedonia”. u: Knippenberg,, Hans; Markusse, J.. Nationalising and Denationalising European Border Regions, 1800–2000: Views from Geography and History. Springer Science & Business Media. str. 84. »In the 1930s the Greek Communist Party coined the term 'Slavo-Macedonians', a term which has recently made a comeback, along with the confusing term 'bilinguals'.«
Albanians' Many Children Unnerve Macedonia's Slavs, "...The majority ethnic group here, the Macedonian Slavs, finally got a state to call their own in 1991 after Yugoslavia came unstrung...", New York Times –, 2001/08/11
Macedonia: Albanians want more, "...between ethnic Albanians and the Slavic population ended in fights and beatings...four Slavic Macedonians were killed..." Pravda – (english), 15.05.2012