Mark Harmon (Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mark Harmon" in Serbo-Croatian language version.

Global rank Serbo-Croatian rank
41st place
182nd place
7th place
26th place
22nd place
140th place
4,189th place
55th place

  • (en) Actor Harmon Pulls 2 Youths From Burning Car

    Actor Mark Harmon rescued two teenage boys Wednesday from a burning car that had crashed near his Brentwood home, a Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman said. "Mr. Harmon broke out the car windows and pulled the boys to safety," said Brian Humphrey, a Fire Department spokesman. "The youths owe their lives to the action of Mr. Harmon," he said.

    , LA Times, 4. siječnja 1996., pristupljeno 8. travnja 2015.

  • Vilhelmina Lovrić, Mali, ali pali:

    Mark Harmon (...) Kad se našao na mjestu nesreće u kojoj su dva tinejdžera teško stradala u gorućem automobilu nije se ustručavao čekićem razbiti stakla i izvući ih obojcu na sigurno.

    , Slobodna Dalmacija, 23. studenoga 2006., pristupljeno 8. travnja 2015.