Spelling, Ian (November 2001). „Laura Elena Harring Explores The World of David Lynch”. New York Times Syndicate/LesbiaNation. Retrieved from davidlynch.de on 2008-04-01.
Horan, Anthony. „Mulholland Drive”. dvd.net.au. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2002-08-11. Pristupljeno 2008-04-11.
Zyber, Joshua (April 9, 2002). „Mulholland Drive”. DVDFILE.com. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-03-04. Pristupljeno 2008-04-11.
Rafferty, Terrence (2003-05-04). „Everybody Gets a Cut”. The New York Times. Pristupljeno 2008-07-01. »[Lynch] has in recent years refused to allow voice-over commentary or scene access on the DVD's of his movies. "The film is the thing," he tells me. "For me, the world you go into in a film is so delicate — it can be broken so easily. It's so tender. And it's essential to hold that world together, to keep it safe." He says he thinks "it's crazy to go in and fiddle with the film," considers voice-overs "theater of the absurd" and is concerned that too many DVD extras can "demystify" a film. "Do not demystify," he declares, with ardor. "When you know too much, you can never see the film the same way again. It's ruined for you for good. All the magic leaks out, and it's putrefied."«[mrtav link]