Basil Davidson: PARTISAN PICTURE "The only source of supply was the enemy; for it was not until 1944 that British supplies began to arrive in appreciable quantities."
Basil Davidson: PARTISAN PICTURE "It was indeed all too clear to everyone of us who served with the partisans that they had existed in very concrete and combatant form before we had ever appeared upon the scene—and even, in the days when we were supplying the chetniks, in spite of our mistaken efforts—and that they would have existed, and probably have triumphed, whatever course we had chosen to take."
Basil Davidson: PARTISAN PICTURE "Their tactics could be summarized in a few general principles. The early Odreds lived and grew by eliminating police posts, capturing a few rifles here and a few there, gradually becoming bolder and more practised, seldom standing to fight, always on the move. From these early experiences there grew up a fairly general understanding of the only conditions that could offer hope of success: to maintain the highest possible degree of surprise, to attack the enemy in rear or in flank, to refuse battle on the enemy's terms, to avoid reprisals wherever possible but never to allow threat of them to excuse inaction."
Basil Davidson: PARTISAN PICTURE "The partisan army had long since grown into a regular fighting formation comparable to the armies of other small States, and infinitely superior to most of them, and especially to the pre-war Jugoslav army, in tactical skill, fieldcraft, leadership, fighting spirit and fire-power."