Nezavisna Albanija (Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Nezavisna Albanija" in Serbo-Croatian language version.

Global rank Serbo-Croatian rank
5th place
25th place
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114th place
1st place
1st place
3rd place
6th place
24th place
39th place
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240th place
6th place
5th place
5,839th place
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4,950th place
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113th place
1,555th place
17th place
507th place
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8,339th place
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75th place
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7,778th place
470th place
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3,561st place
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7,454th place
low place


  • Elsie, Robert. „Albania under prince Wied”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-25. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »pro-Ottoman forces ...were opposed to the increasing Western influence ...In November 1913, these forces, ..., had offered the vacant Albanian throne to General Izzet Pasha ... War Minister who was of Albanian origin.«

  • Pirraku, Muhamet (19. 4. 2009.). „Cili Është Mesazhi I Emërtimeve “SHQIPËRIA SHTETËRORE””. : Agjensia Informative Shqiptare. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2020-03-31. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »Shteti i projektuar nga Konferenca e Ambasadorëve në Londër, më 1913, si: “Principata e Shqipërisë” me shtrirjen vetëm në një pjesë të Bregdetit shqiptar, ... të më pak se një e treta e tokave të shtetit “Shqipëria e Mosvarme” e shpallur në Vlorë, më 28 nëntor 1912 (State designed by the Conference of Ambassadors in London in 1913, as: "The Principality of Albania" ... is less than a third of the terriory of "Independent Albania" declared in Vlora, on November 28, 1912)«

  • Zaharia, Perikli (24. 3. 2003.). „The post - 1989 constitutional course of south east europe”. Athens: Centre for European Constitutional Law. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-22. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »The Ottoman administrative organization , with few exceptions, remained basically unchanged.« 
  • Zaharia, Perikli (24. 3. 2003.). „The post - 1989 constitutional course of south east europe”. Athens: Centre for European Constitutional Law. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-22. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »A Constitution (Statuti Organik) for the new State, consisting of 216 articles, was elaborated in 1914 by the International Commission. Albania was designated as a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The power of legislation was entrusted to a National Assembly, while the executive power was vested in the Council of Ministers, who were to be appointed by the Prince and accountable to him only.«

  • Gurakuqi, Romeo (November 2007). „The Highland Uprising of 1911” (php). Shoqata Dedë Gjo' Luli Association. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-07-25. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »It was provoked by the laws passed by the new regime that claimed to loyally implement the old fiscal policy on the extremely impoverished population, impose new heavy taxes upon people, forcefully recruit Albanians for the Turkish army, continue the process of the entire population disarmament, extend its absolute power all over Albania, even over those regions that had always enjoyed certain privileges.«

  • Republic of Albania, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports; National Gallery of Arts (2011). „Competition announcement”. Republic of Albania, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports; National Gallery of Arts. str. 1. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-02-25. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »Today, on 23.12.2011, in reliance on the Order of the Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports No 289, dated 22.12.2011 on “Announcement of competition for the accomplishment in sculpture the monumental work dedicated to the “100 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Albanian State: 28 November 1912 – 28 November 2012”.«

  • Lakshman-Lepain, Rajwantee (September 2000), Dimitras, Panayote; Papanikolatos, Nafsika; Lenkova, Mariana i dr.., ur. (doc), Catholics of Albania, Center for Documentation and Information on Minorities in Europe - Southeast Europe (CEDIME-SE), p. 28, arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-09-26, pristupljeno 2012-03-28, »The self-proclaimed provisional government of Ismail Qemal in Vlorë did not receive the general approval of the public and different forces from within the country (e.g. by Esad Pacha Toptani) contested the provisional government's status«

  • „Albanians celebrate Flag Day”. Info Globi. 28 November 2011. »Kosovo legislation does not include 28 November on the list of official holidays, however under a special decision of the Government PM Hashim Thaci, has been announced a holiday.«

  • Antić, Čedomir (2010-01-02). „Kratko slavlje u Draču” [Short celebration in Durres] (Serbian). Večernje novosti. »Srpska vlast u Albaniji počela je vremenom da se suočava s velikim teškoćama. Mir stanovništva morao je da bude izdašno plaćan. Delovanje austrougarskih agenata i begova odanih sultanu činilo je ionako loše puteve nesigurnim. Tokom nekoliko dana uništene su usamljene stanice, koje su branili malobrojni srpski vojnici..«

  • Zhelyazkova, Antonina (2000). „Albania and Albanian Identities”. International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-10. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »At a parliamentary session in January 1912, ... Albanian deputy Hasan Prishtina warned that the reactionary policy of the Young Turks' government was going to lead to a revolution in Albania.«

  • Meta, Beqir (1996), „International Policy of Albania (1912—21)”, The European legacy : toward new paradigms, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, 1, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, p. 852, OCLC 757296639, »After the proclamation of independence on 28 November 1912 and the establishment of the national government, the international relations of Albania began to be instrumentalized in a state form. The first diplomatic acts of the government were efforts for its recognition and the recognition of the Albanian state... European diplomacy did not regard the government of Vlora as an important element of the Albanian state... The legitimate requests of the new Albanian state were not taken in consideration.«

  • „100th anniversary of independence”. Albania: TOP Channel Shqip. 2012. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-02-11. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »The Albanian Parliament opened with a solemn ceremony the 100th year of Albania’s independence. January 17th was chosen as the opening day for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence, since it is the day when the Albanian National hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu died, who symbolizes the unification of all Albanians...Representatives from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Presheva and Bujanovci were present in the Albanian Parliament, without partial distinctions, together, as six centuries ago and as 100 years ago,.«

  • „Albania”. Universal Postal Union. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-04-27. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »Albania ... Date of entry into the UPU:01-03-1922«

  • Zhelyazkova, Antonina (2000). „Albania and Albanian Identities”. International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-10. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »At a parliamentary session in January 1912, ... Albanian deputy Hasan Prishtina warned that the reactionary policy of the Young Turks' government was going to lead to a revolution in Albania.« 
  • Elsie, Robert. „Albanian Voices, 1962 - Fan Noli”. Robert Elsie's personal website. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-21. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »Congress of Trieste which was organized by his friend and rival Faik bey Konitza« 
  • Elsie, Robert. „Albania under prince Wied”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-25. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »pro-Ottoman forces ...were opposed to the increasing Western influence ...In November 1913, these forces, ..., had offered the vacant Albanian throne to General Izzet Pasha ... War Minister who was of Albanian origin.« 
  • „Postal service in Albania”. Albania: originala na datum 2012-02-09. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »the Ministry of Post Telegraph Telephone, and the minister was the notable intellectual patriot Lef Nosi. The government of that time took in administration all the post offices inherited from the Ottoman Empire and did rapid efforts for the identification of Albanian postal service.« 
  • Heaton-Armstrong, Duncan (2005). „An Uprising in the Six-Month Kingdom”. Gervase Belfield and Bejtullah Destani (I.B. Tauris, in association with the Centre for Albanian Studies). str. xiv. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-25. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »The Great Powers... established "International Commission of Control as an interim administration until the new monarch arrived.« 
  • Zaharia, Perikli (24. 3. 2003.). „The post - 1989 constitutional course of south east europe”. Athens: Centre for European Constitutional Law. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-22. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »The Ottoman administrative organization , with few exceptions, remained basically unchanged.« 
  • Zaharia, Perikli (24. 3. 2003.). „The post - 1989 constitutional course of south east europe”. Athens: Centre for European Constitutional Law. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-01-22. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »A Constitution (Statuti Organik) for the new State, consisting of 216 articles, was elaborated in 1914 by the International Commission. Albania was designated as a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The power of legislation was entrusted to a National Assembly, while the executive power was vested in the Council of Ministers, who were to be appointed by the Prince and accountable to him only.« 
  • „100th anniversary of independence”. Albania: TOP Channel Shqip. 2012. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-02-11. Pristupljeno 2012-03-28. »The Albanian Parliament opened with a solemn ceremony the 100th year of Albania’s independence. January 17th was chosen as the opening day for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence, since it is the day when the Albanian National hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu died, who symbolizes the unification of all Albanians...Representatives from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Presheva and Bujanovci were present in the Albanian Parliament, without partial distinctions, together, as six centuries ago and as 100 years ago,.«

  • Hurst, Cecil (1935), Advisory Opinion submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice, Leyden: A.W. Sijthoff’s Publishing Company, arhivirano iz originala na datum 2020-06-01, pristupljeno 2012-03-28, »"education in Albania, until 1912, had varied according to religion: the Moslems attended the Ottoman schools; the Orthodox, the Greek schools, and, in the districts adjacent to the Slavs, the Serbian or Bulgarian schools; the Catholics attended the Italian or Austrian schools...."«